Wanna See Something REALLY Scary? 11B-X-1371 aka The Plague Doctor Video

“Wanna see something REALLY scary?”
To horror fans who came of age in the 1980s, the line above instantly invokes memories of Dan Aykroyd and Albert Brooks from the intro to Twilight Zone: The Movie: A nighttime road trip takes a nasty turn when a seemingly innocuous question leads to major terror. Now, on a bi-monthly basis, I’ll be asking, “Wanna see something REALLY scary?” with the goal of shocking you with chilling footage plumbed from the darkest corners of YouTube.
11B-X-1371 is a video of unknown origin that was sent to the Swedish tech site GadgetZZ.com in May 2015; it’s been alarming and intriguing internet detectives, cryptographers, and paranormal investigators alike ever since. It features a man dressed in all-black plague doctor garb standing in an abandoned structure. The two-minute video features dissonant noises, mysterious coordinates, and a blinking message quickly identified as Morse code. Have a watch, but be warned: Many viewers find this video very unsettling.
In the 2 years since its discovery, much of 11B-X-1371 has been deciphered while the video itself remains shrouded in mystery. A stream of 1s and 0s was identified as binary which, when decoded, spells “Muerte”: The Spanish word for “Death”; the film’s title also includes the phrase: “Te queda 1 año menos,” which translates to “You have one year left—or less.” (Anyone else getting flashbacks of The Ring?). Other alarming aspects of the plague doctor video include the exact coordinates for The White House and the phrase RED LIPSTICK TENTH (an anagram, perhaps, for “KILL THE PRESIDENT”?).
Wanna see something REALLY scary?
As if all these aspects of 11B-X-1371 aren’t creepy enough, code-busters found images embedded in the sound files, including the text: ““You’re already dead”. Some savvy techies have also uncovered pictures of extreme violence against women; while others claim these were lifted from the torture porn movie The Bunny Games, this assertion has not be proven conclusively. The sound files also include a skull and crossbones, which can hardly be misinterpreted.
Check out the video below from The Esoteric Detective, who dives deep into 11B-X-1371 with additional details and updates on the most current theories regarding the video’s meaning and origins.
Got an idea for a future installment of “Wanna See Something REALLY Scary?” Hit me up on Twitter @josh_millican!
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