Wild Bill Leatherface 2 Johnson and Naughty Nurse Hatchet Unleash the Monsterpiece: B.O.H.I.C.A. Bend Over Here It Cums Again

We’ve got one hell of an interview in store for you guys. Bill Johnson, who starred as Leatherface in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and his musical partner, Nurse Hatchet, discuss everything from how they started collaborating all the way down to the upcoming projects that they’re both currently working on. Read everything in their own words below.
DC: How did the two of you start working together?
Bill Johnson: Ari Lehman, renaissance man who played the first Jason Voorhees as a child in original “Friday the 13th”. And Ari’s formed his Metal band, 1st Jason. Ari became a friend and colleague over the years of horror conventions. We were talking about songs and he invited me to write and submit a song for his band. I not knowing enough of what 1st Jason’s style I wrote an untitled piece which was not the right material for Ari but Ari being a master of music thought Nurse might be a good fit and sent it to her which got Nurse Hatchet and I collaborating.
In the past, oral tradition, spoken word, written word, books and live performance plays and films were forms of worship, protest and entertainment. Now, in the internet age Multi media theatrical events such as Marilyn produces are the Modern equivalent or addition. Faust Haiku and BOHICA are quasi Beat-nik coffee house, social protests for the internet age and I am privileged to collaborate with an artist of Marilyn’s caliber and dedication.
Nurse Hatchet: Yes indeed just as Bill said, back around 2010 I was cordially invited to show up “in character” to a Halloween masquerade ball to support Ari Lehman & his band First Jason. It was a wild fun show, me & my husband Patrick D-Day Madcox became good friends with Ari & the band, it was very cool. Soon after Ari contacted me to see if I was interested in writing some lyrics or collaborating lyrically on a new song or songs, so I ended up writing a crazy cool song based on Jason Voorhees for Ari, & then I did 2 killer “First Jason – remixes” of his songs: “Jason is Watching” & also “Power from the Pain”. Plus I ended up putting together a fun twisted lil’ musick video for the “Jason is Watching – RMX” it can be found at YouTube & other places.
So this was all going on during the years when I was working on the Chainsaw Sally show, in fact you will notice First Jason is featured on one of the episode soundtrax along with our music. so, not long after wrapping up that music video Ari mentioned a song he was collaborating on with Bill Leatherface2 Johnson.. & to my total surprise he said Bills lyrics seem like they would be the perfect combination & fit with my music style! & would I like to collab on this with Bill & he will put me in contact with him.
Lol, as you might imagine. I was literally bouncing off the walls on cloud 9, being that TEXAS CHAINSAW 2 & BILL JOHNSON have been such inspirations in my life & art, I just about fell outta’ my seat when Ari asked me that lol, it was the most awesome thing that could ever possibly happen & I jumped at the opportunity with thorough enthusiasm & with out hesitation hahaha. On a personal note, I will always be thankful & grateful to Ari for introducing us, & thus Bill & I have been creatively collaborating ever-since.
DC: Bill, Can you give some insight into your previous “Faust Haiku” trilogy, & the 2017 release of “B.O.H.I.C.A. Bend Over Here It Cums Again”, music collaborations?
BJ: Let me preface by saying I know that Dread Central is dedicated to Horror to which I’m a fan and have some small direct film history connection.
I’ve also a view of that which is a Horror also includes that which directly affects my life and the life and lives of others. Those lives that I’ve known personally and via some form of recorded media. The kind of horror that actually can come into you, your home or your community or country that oftentimes being actual Warfare or its insidious predecessors and ushers terrorism into us. I’ve been directly affected while alive in this world by WWII, Korea, Vietnam and all the “police actions” conducted just like the other wars but without being actually declared or named officially as, War. That is the kind of horror that I cannot switch channels, or turn off, that kind of horror scares the hell out of me right now and that is the global brouha brewing and bubbling into a hell broth of powerful trouble which most everybody is aware and keeping watchful eyes upon. That is the type of horror of which I’ve been writing and producing with Marilyn.
Faust Haiku: When Ponzi Scheme huckster Bernie Madoff and his Wall Street cronies et al bilked billions of dollars from world markets which dominoed into a world financial crisis devastating millions of investors which affected you and me, I asked HOW? The world had been warned so many time long previously.
So many cautionary tales, fables and stories: The Picture of Dorian Grey, 1984. Countless songs as: Masters of War, Desolation Row, films as, CHINATOWN, NETWORK, THE CHINA SYNDROME, 3 DAYS OF THE CONDOR, ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN, Oliver Stone’s film WALL STREET. The financier rapists Miliken, Boesky and the larger demons-in-chief still lurking in the shadows. But the Internet has been a tool to throw the illuminating light on shadowy forms revealing identifying features.
How could this still happen? How, wasn’t any longer the only issue. The delirious, rapturous feeding frenzy of Greed was at the top of the list followed by organized corporate and world governments Corruption and so on and so forth. And words and sentences started to come and formed into a kind of a Cautionary Tale with the main character antagonist themselves betrayed, ruined and remorseful…unlike3, according to my internet querries, the now jailed Madoff hoarding his venomous secrets perhaps in hopes of a future advantage. My suspicion is perhaps he is afraid that if he, Madoff named names that his life would have an otherwise early end in that cell by unnatural causes.
Bohica: After brilliant management by the previous administration turning what could have been a death dealing recession into more of a ‘flesh wound’; our nation’s recovery was as many believe, miraculous. Well, Lo & Behold, the recent presidential race revealed some of the phantom decision makers who’d been in the shadows pulling strings earlier with over 200+ dynastic power Families, fully in loot sucking cahoots.
Yep. Same tune, different verse. OMG, thought I to m’self. How? Wait, the how was now known. I shifted from how to WHEN?
I thought, hey, what about 1776, The Constitution? Safeguards? Good men of good character forming a more perfect union, come to North America to escape the North European oligarchs such as we suffer from today?
noun, plural noun: oligarchs
1. a ruler in an oligarchy.
2. (especially in Russia) a very rich businessman with a great deal of political influence.
Then came the gut wrenching moment of real horror perched there on the couch. Not horror on TV or the big screen, but the horror right there in the room with you. The facts of the cause had been previously there all along…
Light bulb over the head moment: the oligarchs came over on the Mayflower! Who the hell funded Christopher Columbus?
Queen Isabella of Spain, the legend goes. Monarchies of this time period had oligarch written all over them. Was this a beneficent, magnanimous gift with no strings attached to good old Chris and the others aboard his vessel?
What agents of the monarchy and their financiers were aboard but not included in the ships manifest? What deal did Columbus work out? Devil’s Bargain time?
And even if the main voyage had no agents, after the good news of uncontested rich pickings were begging for ‘developers’, those developers back in Europe would be setting sail for the promised land of plenty, milk and honey; Colonization, HO!
Good grief, the North American native humans misnamed, “Indians” who were openly friendly, neighborly, were summarily screwed over, a Holocaust implemented by agents of the oligarch and still are until this very day. “We have met the enemy and it is us”
Tim Wise illuminates one of the many manifestations of the modus operandi of the master manipulators, still riding high.
DC: Will they be particularly vocal pieces or will the music do the talking?
BJ: Marilyn is maestro of the music and video thus I refer you to Nurse the film maker. I’ve written a type of theatrical Script, which after being written must set sail off on its own and evolve in the hearts and minds of creative others and live on its own or not.
Scientists inform us that an observing event changes that event. So let’s observe current events. Let’s look at least enough to notice whether it is broken.
Let’s talk about it. Sing it out. Show and tell. Reveal by example. Illuminate the darkest corners. Comfort those who are in need by what beauty or balm you can manifestly & share.
NH: well, from my point of view it is definitely Bills lyrics & vocals that do the talking & drive the songs. Whereas the music is intended to emotionally emphasize & amplify the power & passion of the words instrumentally, creating the mood & atmosphere befitting to Bills lyrics & vocal delivery, with psychOdelic carnal rhythmic intensity.
DC: Do you have any particular film or music influences you would like to mention?
BJ: Besides Everyone who has led the way to reveal the path of courage, personal sacrifice on behalf of others, illustrated and illuminated insights into mankind’s possibility of humaneness in the face of a life eats life universe? Well, here’s a incomplete list. Who can you think of that belongs here too?:
Music: Bob Dylan, John Lennon, George Harrison, Harry Nilsson, Spirit, Simon & Garfunkel, Brian Wilson, Joni Mitchell, Telemann, Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim, David Bowie, Queen, Kurt Weil, Kander & Ebb,
Satire: Mad magazine, the Firesign Theatre, Will Rogers, Twain, Smothers Brothers, Louis CK,
Playwrights, Authors: Shakespeare, Paddy Chayefsky, Samuel Beckett, Oscar Wilde, Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Tom Stoppard, Salinger, Homer, Hemingway, John D. MacDonald, Larry Niven, William Gibson,
Philosophers, Scientists, Religious and Political figures: Bishop Fulton J Sheen, Sir Francis Bacon, Buckminster Fuller, Joseph Campbell, Patrick Henry, Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Chief Seattle, Copernicus, Galileo, Nicola Tessla,
Actors, Film makers: John Huston, Coppola, Kurosawa, Anthony Hopkins, Brando, Bill Murray, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Jason Statham, Donald Pleasance, Sigourney Weaver, Boris Karloff, Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland, Bert Lahr, Jeff Burr, Tobe Hooper, Gunnar Hansen, Billy Wilder…
So many more to be named.
NH: uh oh… Here comes “the List” hahahaha. Honestly there’s just too many to remember & mention all of them but i will give it my best shot lol.
Fav bands, recording artists & soundtrack composers:
David Lynch music & soundtrax. Wendy O Williams & the Plasmatics, Wendy Carlos, Ministry, Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, Fantomas, Mike Patton, Nine Inch Nails & Trent Reznor, Gary Numan, The Prodigy, Daft Punk, Flogging Molly, Dario Argento’s – GOBLIN, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Phil Collins, Genesis, Skinny Puppy, The Cramps, Chimaira, Heaven Shall Burn, Testament, Iggy Pop, the Stooges, The Cure, Janes Addiction, Alice in Chains, the Stranglers, Sneaker Pimps, Massive Attack, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Duran Duran, “My Life” with the Thrill Kill Kult, Revolting Cocks, Marilyn Manson, Genitorturers, Lords of Acid, Praga Khan, Rammstein, Circle Jerks, the Plugz, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, Mindless Self Indulgence, Buck Satan & the 666 Shooters, The Beat or aka English Beat, Tina Turner, Solar Twins, KMFDM, Lead Into Gold, Pailhead, Portishead, Buckethead, (Bill Mosely & Buckethead – Cornbugs), Primus, Mike Muir, Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves, Oingo Boingo, the Police, Sting, Stewart Copeland, David Bowie, Jimmy Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, Billy Squier, Pink Floyd, Arch Enemy, Anthrax, Slayer, Dethklok, Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death, Dead Kennedys, Sepultura, Soulfly, Nailbomb, Metallica, Iron Maiden, KISS, Ozzy Osborn, Black Sabbath, Pantera, Damage Plan, Ozzy Osborn, Alice Cooper, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, the Beatles, John Lennon, Simon & Garfunkel, Cream, War, Joe Satriani, Steve Via, Van Halen, Robin Trowers, Eric Clapton, Beastie Boys, Tribe Called Quest, Tribe Called Red, Prodigy, Static X, Fear Factory, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, Frederic Chopin, Angelo Badalamenti, Ennio Morricone, Basil Poledouris. there is definitely more but we don’t have all night, on to the soundtrax…
Fav inspirational movie soundtracks, before I begin be warned this is a large list lol…
– Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2: (featuring a wide variety of styles, genres & bands across the board)
– Repo Man: (featuring a wide variety of hardcore punk rock & thrash metal skate music from a number of awesome bands)
– Return of the Living Dead: (featuring a wide variety of punk rock music from a number of awesome bands, including The CRAMPS, enough said)
– Rumble Fish (I’m a fan of all the Stewart Copeland original score music)
– Beetlejuice (I’m a fan of all the Danny Elfman original score music)
– Faust – love of the Damned: (featuring a wide variety of hardcore metal, black metal & thrash metal, industrial metal & skate music from a number of awesome bands, including, Fear Factory, Sepultura, Soulfly, Nailbomb)
– Wicked Lake (soundtrack by Al Jourgensen of MINISTRY, enough said..it kicks total complete ass!!)
– From Dusk till Dawn: (featuring a wide variety of styles, genres & bands)
– Lost Boys (all 3 films): (featuring a wide variety of styles, genres & bands)
– Easy Rider: (featuring a wide variety of styles, genres & bands of the 60s)
– The Trip (1967) (featuring Electric Flag 7 a wild variety of psychedelic music)
– Dario Argentos Phenomena: (featuring truly excellent music by Goblin!! & a tasty Dose of Heavy Metal musik, including IRON MAIDEN & MOTORHEAD, enough said)
– John Carpenters Escape from L.A.: (featuring a wide variety of hardcore metal, thrash metal, Industrial, rock & skate music from a number of awesome bands, including WHITE ZOMBIE & MINISTRY)
– John Carpenters Halloween: (I’m a fan of all the John Carpenter original score music)
– Hardware: (featuring a wide variety of Industrial, rock & 80s club music from a number of awesome bands)
– A Clockwork Orange: (score music by Wendy Carlos, i am a huge fan of all score music by Wendy, & featuring a wide variety of styles from classical to 70’s electronica, genres & contributing musicians)
– Stanley Kubricks – the Shining: (featuring score music by Wendy Carlos & Rachel Elkind)
– Twin Peaks – Firewalk with me (featuring score music by Angelo Badalamenti, & a tasty variety of experimental styles, including some of my favorite music by (the Pink Room)
featured during the Bang Bang Bar scene.
– Blue Velvet – (featuring score music by Angelo Badalamenti, & songs by Roy Orbison)
– David Lynch’s, Wild at Heart – (featuring score music by Angelo Badalamenti, and featuring a blend of romantic music with Chris Isaak’s song Wicked Game & a touch of heavy metal by (Powermad)!
– Lost Highway – (with score music by Angelo Badalamenti, & featuring a wide variety of hardcore metal, thrash metal, Industrial, from a number of awesome bands)
– The CROW ^V^ (featuring a wide variety of hardcore metal, thrash metal, Industrial, Goth, & alternative music from a number of awesome bands)
– Cool World – (starting with David Bowie you know its gonna be a killer Dance album! & goes on to feature a wide variety of Electronica, & Industrial artists, bands & musicians, with a touch of Rock & Metal in the mix!
– Mr.STITCH (1996) yep, heres a hard to find soundtrack for a movie which was originally intended to be a tv series, i love this movie & the soundtrack!!
(featuring a very industrial electronica rock metal atmosphere with original music by TomandAndy)
– Tetsuo – the Iron Man (i think this soundtrack has been incredibly influential & inspirational not only to me & my own musik, but especially to the entire industrial & electronica musik genres,
featuring a complete score composed purely of industrial sounds & electronica beats, eay ahead of its time)
– Rivers Edge (featuring a deviliciously tasty selection of Hardcore Metal, Doom Metal, & Skate Thrash musik – including SLAYER! Enough said)
– Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas (featuring a wide variety of styles & genres, from 60’s classics like Jefferson Airplane & the Yardbirds jefferson airplane
to 80’s punk, including Dead Kennedys)
– SLIVER soundtrack (featuring an awesome variety of atmospheric styles from Enigma, Lords of Acid & more!)
– SNATCH (featuring a tasty variety of music styles & genres from a number of awesome bands, artists & musicians)
– Ferris Buellers Day Off (featuring an awesome variety os styles from all kinds of bands, artists & musicians)
– Bill ‘n’ Teds Excellent Adventure & Bogus Journey (featuring a very cool variety of rock & metal)
– Breakfast Club (featuring a sweet collection of 80’s music)
– Batman (soundtrack by Danny Elfman, with music by “Prince”)
– Batman Returns (Soundtrack by Danny Elfman, with music by Siouxsie & the Banshees)
– Bride of Frankenstien (the most beautifully powerful score ever composed for a monster movie)
– Rush (soundtrack by Eric Clapton, & including a personal fav of mine, Robin Trowers – Bridge of Sighs)
– Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (songs by Tina Turner! enough said)
– Mars Attacks (soundtrack by Danny Elfman)
– Friday the 13th part 6 – Jason Lives (featuring songs by Alice Cooper!! song – the Man behind the Mask) ..enough said
– Attic Expeditions – this soundtrack is hard or impossible to find as it maybe unreleased, never the less (a deviliciously tasty Dose of hardcore intense industrial metal atmosphere & featuring a song I love titled: Spookius Mortem, from the band ‘Nocturne)
– Tales from the Crypt – Bordello of Blood (featuring a tasty Dose of Rock & Metal, including Anthrax & Kerbdog)
– Dee Snider’s Strangeland (featuring a killer collection of Hardcore Rock, Metal, Death Metal, & Industrial Metal, including Pantera, Crisis, Marilyn Manson, Bile, & of course Twisted Sister & much more)
– the Beatles – Help!! & also, a Hard Days Night (featuring…the Beatles…enough said)
– Valley Girl soundtrack – (featuring a fun variety of 80s rock & hilarious Valley Girl pop music lol)
– Judgment Night (featuring a killer crossover of Metal / Rap with a wide variety of band collaborations,
including trax from Slayer & Ice-T, Sonic Youth & Cypris Hill, Boo-Yaa Tribe & Fath No More, Living Colour & Run D.M.C. & many more)
– Pink Floyd – the WALL (one of the most truly excellent albums & soundtrax ever recorded)
– Friday the 13th (soundtrack scores by Harry Manfredini)
– Tales from the Darkside TV series (Intro Theme)
& I’d like to include 3 more for best songs performed live in movies!!
* Blues Brothers (original) performed by: James & Elwood Blues with the Blues Brothers Band, home address, 1060 w.Addison, Shi Town, Windy City Chicago Ill.
* The Crow – “My Life” with the Thrill Kill Kult – performing the song (After the Flesh)
* Steven Spielberg’s – A.I. (Ministry performs the song: What about us)
* Brian De Palma’s – Body Double: (Frankie Goes to Hollywood performs the song: Relax)
I have each of these soundtrax, in my playlists, in the car & pretty much ready to play everywhere I go. these are some of the most major music influences in my life. and honestly we are only scratching the surface of my music library, there is just too many more too list… but I think you get the idea lol.
DC: Nurse Hatchet, can you talk about your involvement in horror films?
NH: Truly my pleasure, I’ve been working in the independent horror industry over a decade, 12 going on 13 years to be exact. I am a soundtrack score music composer, special gore FX artist, I’ve created soundtrax & gore FX & props on numerous productions, as well as numerous movie cameos. here is my IMDB page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3264238/
You can find most of the productions that I’ve worked on listed there, but I’m still updating it so not everything is listed yet, including for example a tasty lil dose of DemonatiX on the soundtrack for Director Sal V. Miers: “Bad Girls behind Bars” & a very special spanks to the one & only Director Fred Olen Ray for helping me land that gig. His films have been a creative inspiration on me ever-since I first saw Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, that goes for Linnea Quigley as well, she is a personal idol & inspiration, I love all her work.
Another very interesting thing that happened on my path is the way Bill & I have come together creating these wild collabs, it’s like symbolic of my life coming full-circle seriously, Tobe Hoopers Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 had a major influential inspirational impact on me at a young age, of course so did the original, but speaking on the influence of Part 2, Tom Savini’s special gore FX!! The truly excellent soundtrack featuring bands like Oingo Boingo, & the Cramps, oh yes! Everything about Part 2 seriously impacted me creatively & I can honestly say that film is one of the major creative incentives & reasons that directly lead me into doing special gore FX & soundtracks, I love every aspect of the process.
So you see how its like my life coming full circle lol, my love of this industry began with that film & I would eventually come together collaborating with Bill Leatherface Johnson, I mean WOW for me that is the dream come true, I can die happy now, thank you lol stick a fork in me I’m done LMFAO.. I’m on cloud 9 literally loving everything about this! Same goes for so many others, I’ve had the opportunity to be involved on so many productions featuring people I have been greatly inspired by in my life, including Herschell Gordon Lewis, & Loyd Kaufman to name a few, & that’s just one of the very awesome things I love about this business. Ok, yes I do realize I slightly veered off that question LMFAO…
DC: Do you feel that all your music, videos & features push the boundaries?
NH: Oh yes that’s a thoroughly amplified resounding Hells Yes! LMFAO! everything we are doing creatively pushes & exceeds all the taboo boundaries, rules & limitations, just as much in the music process as it is in the music videos & features, in the music we explore & experiment on every single instrument, every track, every single drum, vocal, ect ect. That is one of the aspects of the process that I love most is in the studio after recording all vocals & instrumental trax then I get to really get creatively experimental with the mixing, engineering & editing, & effects!!
I spend as much time playing & recording a guitar piece or bass piece as i will spend on playing with the mixing tools lol, I treat the effects & tools just like individual instruments to be manipulated same as the keys on my synth or strings on our guitars lol.. we go way deeper then the usual music norm. We are constantly experimenting with the effects on Everything with the music & the music videos ..literally, always experimenting with layers of instrumentals, sound & fx, layers of echoes, delays, layers of crazy experimental vox fx, this is all a distinct part of our signature sound & style of music, it cant really be identified by one single genre as we tend to cross-over into so many different styles, I love to combine so many different musical styles together & that line of thinking tends to keep creatively pushing us forward with new wild concepts & endless experimentation’s & I believe by this we are always pushing the boundaries of music & productions the way it is created!!
We are not following the textbook rules & guidelines of mathematical music paint by numbers soulless programmed plagiarized regurgitated empty shallow payed to be on MSN everyday top-pop Hollywierd puke that they are continuously shoving in our eyes, ears & down our throats telling us who & what we are supposed to like, on every radio station, & on every wannabe music video channel that only caters to pop-stars who all pay to be featured Every single DAY uuughhhh lol.. to be perfectly honest, in this new world where game-shows aka reality tv creates game-show celebrities, lol, & reality TV shows about how rich some cheezy family is, it’s not very hard to show some talent & stand out from the rest, with what entertainment is offering us today lmfao… & further more truth is it scares the hell outta’ me how literally the masses of people will by choice sit & watch some reality tv show over watching a well-scripted entertaining show, & it blows my mind that these masses are so captivated by this stuff?????
I mean today celebraties don’t have to do anything to be famous, other then just be born rich & have a reality TV show made about them & their families & look wow now they are famous celebs lol.. not famous from years of hard work, talent & dedication to any art or Anything at all… just born rich.. so hey let’s make a show about them lol even better yet lets watch a show about them WTF?? It is fast becoming an anti-artistic world with this kind of anti-creative entertainment. I’m sorry to inform you but there’s absolutely Nothing creative about following around some boring rich cow all day with a camera & that is Not artwork!!! now, on the completely opposite side of the creative spectrum, the artwork I create & the productions I get involved on are always creating & offering something different, something new & cutting-edge unique with numerous artists involved putting in all their various talents together in order to bring the audience & fans these kinds of original independent productions.
DC: Are you helping to rejuvenate the horror genre?
NH: Absolutely, I get involved on productions specifically because what they are doing will peek my interest, & points of interest for me are truly unique stories, new ways of telling the stories, creative new experimental concepts & exploring new ways of visual expression, productions that catch my attention that I get involved on are often pushing the creative envelope, if I like what I see & I get involved. In the independent film industry you find numerous creative like minded people with so much imagination & everybody lending all their talents, putting in as much love, dedication, blood, sweat, & tears as they can muster, working with shoe-string low budgets & working extra jobs, filming on weekends & their days off, paying money out of pocket just to help see these dreams become a reality & bring these stories to fruition!!!
When we are all working towards the same goal aiming to rock the fans with another totally unique & epic story you realize no-matter how hard it is going to be, it’s going to be well worth it because of its very awesome new interesting concepts & the new-wave of unique story telling / film making styles, musical explorations ect. It’s always well worth it especially once you get to indulge & enjoy the finished product! It’s kinda like growing your own strain of medical marijuana & then enjoying the fruits of your labor once it begins blooming, that’s about the best way I can expressively describe the amazing feeling of awesome accomplishment when wrapping up a production, or a song, or collaboration, or an artwork, & then being able to actually experience the finished artwork & experience exactly what the fans & audience are about to experience!
It is an awesome feeling especially after breaking through all those walls & barriers & obstacles, the suffering & banging your head against those walls on the way, it might leave scars but it also makes you stronger & after all of that, hells yes it was worth it, because WOW look what we created, we have unleashed Monster-pieces & I am proud of that fact!!!!!!!
How did you get the name Nurse Hatchet?
NH: Ok sure that’s a funny story, I basically started in the independent horror industry working on a few productions in Houston TX almost over a decade ago, as an additional effects artist in a crew & though I created lots of different fx props one of the jobs I ended up on all the time was Blood clean up, I became the Blood clean up Girl on each of these sets LMFAO, because nobody ever wants to do the clean up after the shoots lol. I didn’t mind, it was fun & then there was a few passing jokes where somebody would call me over on set like “Nurse bring me the Scalpel” or “Nurse bring me the chainsaw” lol… so blood clean up girl turned into a Doctor, Nurse, kind of funny banter with a hospital operating room sense of humor, between me & directors or the actors, the hospital humor just makes for a deranged kind of fun atmosphere & obviously makes sense while working on these movies especially because most scenes involved lots of blood & body parts etc, lol. So to cut this long story short, I ran with the Nurse nick-name that I had been given & creatively mutated it into the name, image, & living persona that you know as “Nurse Hatchet”.
Of course that is also intended as a kind of sarcastic parody of the character Nurse Ratchet in One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest & I say sarcastic because no my character does not relate to Nurse Ratchets character in any way or form, in fact if there was a Nurse Ratchet character in my “Origin of Nurse Hatchet”comic-book stories, Nurse Ratchet would be one of the villains of course, somebody that Nurse Hatchet would have to track down & kill for her evil deeds causing the death of an innocent as she did in the movie!
Here’s another tasty dose of Nurse trivia, I have been credited on every production I’ve ever been involved with as Nurse Hatchet, ever since Houston TX. The name was just the very beginning of my character, I then went on to the next steps of thoroughly creating & developing the character, putting together the look of the Nurse uniform, & creating the psychotic look of my Mask & ghost-face paint, & my signature bat-heels, nurse-heels & thigh highs lol.
And another dose of trivia for ya, the look of my mask is directly inspired from a few different kinds of tribal & cultural masks, including the Japanese hopping ghost mask, Native American ghost-face paint & the Mexican day of the dead skull-face paint & masks, Mardi Gras masks, porcelain doll masks, & especially influenced by the symbolic theater masks of comedy & tragedy, but also greatly inspired a number of horror classics such as The Phantom of the Opera, as well as the original John Carpenter’s Michael Meyers Halloween mask & the Jason Voorhees Original style hockey mask. All of these went into a creative blender & my mask was born & thus the entire visual look of Nurse Hatchet was born!
“In character” as the Nurse I would go on to be featured in all of the Mixtress Demonatrix music videos & collaborations, as well as numerous movie cameos, & next came my comic-book “the Origin of Nurse Hatchet” written by yours truly & in collaboration with my husband Patrick D-Day Madcox, the comicbook will fill you in on the Nurse’s story & back-story, I’m not going to give much away about the story right now other then to tell you, the artwork is done by my very good friend & official Demonatrix comic & video artist Lyndal KONG Ferguson & lettering by Jason BLOKE Crawley.
It is a story of righteous vengeance, for the brutal rape & murder of my character who is then given the opportunity to come back from the grave for sweet sadistically satiating revenge on those who did this to her, & with out giving any more details I will just say it doesn’t end there… after her revenge is sated…it does not end there!!!
The story is actually based loosely on truth, I survived a very brutal sexual assault when I was younger, & after joining the U.S.Navy, & taking rape prevention classes, I survived 2 more attempted attacks but fought them off. These traumatic events had a heavy emotional impact on me, & lead to some obsessive compulsive post-traumatic stress & social anxiety disorders that I fought to overcome, also went on to suffer lots of nightmares, as I began my work in the industry, as my name & image were developing, personally I was still suffering the after-shock effects of what happened via my nightmares & extreme social shyness. It affected many aspects of my life!
I really started overcoming this by further developing my characters story by basing it on the assault & attacks that I survived, this helped me to find a creatively way of working through it all. And to quote a friend “the best revenge is my success”, the best revenge of all lol!! my attackers attempted to crush & break my spirit, instead I fought back & overcame. Look at where I am today, they did not succeed in breaking me & my success is by far the very best revenge! So rather then going out & killing my attackers & going to prison lol I found a better more creative way to have my revenge with in my story, & enjoy the success of this because I fought & survived all these brutal obstacles & disorders, to be able to do what I love & to prove that I will not be stopped by these horrible experiences & emotionally impacting life challenges. & they will Never Stop Me!!!
DC: Why do you feel that Women in Horror Month is so important?
Nurse: Oh wow, it is important on so many levels! consider what it used to be like & how far it has come, which is in honesty not very far. Considering for example the original costume designer of the Horror classic “Creature from the Black Lagoon” was Millicent Patrick, a female effects & costume artist designer, though her role as the original designer was deliberately downplayed by “male” makeup artist Bud Westmore, who for half a century would receive sole credit for the Creatures design & conception.
Yes it is twisted & unbelievable yet guess what? It still happens all the time today & I can attest to that fact via first hand experience!! Don’t get me wrong, its not a male vs female problem in my opinion.. truth is, it is all about the crooked industry politics, I have been screwed over numerous times because of other females of the industry in fact more often then by males lol. These cunts have screwed me out of a few magazine spots, or productions & yet with all the effort they put into attempting to keep me down, I’m still right here Exactly where I want to be, On Top! And do you know why? Because of the fans!!! & the fan-base speaks for itself! The fans don’t give a fuck about these cunts & their elitist industry politics, they have made up their minds, they know what they like, they know what they want & that is Nurse Hatchet!!!! “kinky winks & sadistically satiating smiles”.
But back on track, yes it is not an uncommon situation where the dominating males of a particular industry will attempt to keep the females down on the ladder to success, but my point is also that the females of the industry can be just as bad hating on other women causing an inequality implemented socially & strategically manipulated by them based on their own personal inadequacies prejudices & jealousies & this creates more elitism & inequality through out the industry & that is the definition of crooked industry politics. Literally turning us backwards not moving us forward to the goal of equality we are aiming to accomplish & achieve.
So male or female, it is clearly still an issue taking place in the industry & it is up to us to keep pushing forward no-matter what shyt the professionally jealous assmonkeys attempt to throw at us to keep us down. It is up to us to fight past it, to fight through it & overcome the obstacles by focusing strongly & solely on your art & let that passion & determination drive you ahead of the rest, don’t let their bullshyt distract you or get in your way or slow you down, keep pushing forward! & that is why it is so important that we make it EQUAL to ALL of us Women in the industry! We need to remove the crooked favoritism & sexist elitist prejudice across the board, in order to finally get spotlights on so many like yours truly who deserve to be honorably mentioned because we have worked our asses off & earned our place in this industry.
I’ve earned my place whether or not some elitist douchebag wants to recognize me lol. That is the importance of WIHM, & because of the awesome dedication of Horror websites like Dread Central who celebrate WIHM I enjoy a fun interview every single year spotlighting my career, & that is exactly why it is so damn important to surround yourself with like minded individuals who share these same goals & passions, we are constantly pushing forward towards equality.
DC: Can you talk about the films you’re currently working on?
NH: Well, right now I am currently involved doing some devilicious soundtrack scoring & cameo work in Director Cameron Scott’s: “Krokodil Chronicles (Requiem for a Junky)”.
And currently working on Director Derek Young’s “Family Property 2 – More Blood” doing soundtrack scoring & cameo.
I’m also involved with Director Rob Avery’s “Slashers Gone Wild – trilogy” doing numerous cameos through out the series, as well as soundtrax scoring, & including work on the re-release of “Slashers Gone Wild (BloodBath Edition)” It’s really cool because of this re-release we are able to incorporate yours truly Nurse Hatchet into the first film which I was not originally part of as I got involved not long after it was released. So this time around I will be featured in the Bloodbath version & that will also tie all my cameo parts together through out the entire series, im very excited about that!
I am also involved on soundtrack scoring for Director Derek Young & Dominick Calvitto’s “Running Away From the UnKnown” from Calvitto & Johnson productions. plus, Eugene Johnson has already mentioned being excited about working with me on the upcoming soundtrack for “The 5 of US” also coming soon from Calvitto & Johnson productions!
Plus I am involved on the soundtrack for the upcoming B-Documentary Part 2 from director Nick Charles. And for the “House of Whores” movie fans out there, Yes there will be a 3rd installment as I am told by my very good friends Director & Writer Daniel A.Murphy & Tom Komisar of HM&M production, & yes yours truly will of course be my role as the psychodelically sadistic Matriarch Naughty Nurse Hatchet.
And for all those anxiously awaiting, yes indeed “the Origin of Nurse Hatchet” movie is in the worx & on the Horrorizon!!!! Trust me when I tell you, you are not ready for this movie, & it is not what you expect, it goes way outside & beyond your expectations!! ..you have been Warned!
And for those fans anxiously awaiting the next Musick / Featurette Killaborations from yours truly & mi amigo in the mixxx, Wild Bill Leatherface2 Johnson, you will all be very pleased to know we have just begun an entire new set of collab song concepts that are in the worx & coming soon so stay looneytuned! My She Devils & Demons, all you Mental Patients out there, we are about to bring another Epic Dose of Unapologetic Mind Altering Eye Opening thought provoking Medicinal Musick that is literally going to Change the way you see the World!!! Plus about to be unleashed, prepare yourselves for the official Mixtress DemonatriX Album #2 “the 2nd Cumming of Bloody Mary DeSade aka the Ravenous Revenge of Naughty Nurse Hatchet” & the official “B.O.H.I.C.A. Bend Over Here It CUMS Again – complete Album featuring the original 4 studio recordings, alternate mixxxes & remixxxes!
BJ: Possible future film project to be filmed later this year that I might appear in:
Leatherface 3-D actor, Dan Yeager and associate Ron Scott have a horror filmscript: SLAUGHTER FARM. http://www.badangerpictures.com/
BADanger Pictures
BADanger Pictures is the cinematic brand of Dan Yeager and Ron Scott. We are a start-up studio focused on the Horror genre, producing original works.
Director of horror film, JON, filmmaker, William Instone, zombie film: AMOUNG THE DEAD https://www.facebook.com/william.instone?fref=ts
And here are a few recent & previous releases to check out:
Kill or Be Killed http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2364774/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_1
DC: Any links you would like to share with the readers?
Bill Johnson official websites & social media:
And just lick the kinks below to visit the Nurse’s Offices in your area!!
DC: Bill, on a different note, with the film turning 30 this year, how do you look back on your iconic Leatherface role in Tobe Hooper’s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2?
BJ: I look back with gratitude to be included in a major genre film and take a swing at portraying an already iconic character as an exception to the rule of Leatherface.
DC: As Leatherface doesn’t speak, can you give an insight as to what goes on in his mind?
Bill: Pressure: Horrible pressures. Unrelenting pressures
Raging pubescent hormones, insufficient knowledge/understanding of that in which he is most interested:love and the dreaded swindle, S.E.X., as quoted by big brother Dreighton and echoed by brother Choppy.
of authoritarian, shame based, cannibalistic, homicidal family unit to obey without question or failure, Family orders.
Of no readily employable skills outside of family business agenda,
Of no alternative place to call home, safety of affection or family, no social skills
Of forbidden thoughts, pictures, holographic movies of volcanic lust inflamed by the sultry Stretch’s voice and musical smorgasbord that nothing else could match…Ohhh for just one slow dance to a ballad sung by Etta James or Gene Pitney with the incomparable heavenly goddess Stretch…argghhh!
Pressure of impossible hopes and dread of never ending torture and shame forever on himself and the only others for whom he’d ever cared. And yet he must continue to live.
Not an enviable position.
What do you think of the upcoming Leatherface reboot film?
Bill: I’ve only heard that the newest installment story is an exploration of Bubba’s early history, the formative years. I hope it’s a good film and wish them the best.
DC: Anything you would both like to add before we wrap it up?
BJ: Thank you Dread Central for this opportunity to be heard.
NH: Yes indeed thank you truly for this awesome interview Dread Central & special thanks to David G.
And on that note, with out any further Ado, its BOHICA Time! you are cordially invited to indulge the BOHICA experience! Now Take your Medicine & enjoy thoroughly ~ Nurse’s Orders! xoxo
B.O.H.I.C.A. full length 4-song musick video foursome featurette, uncut & exxxtended:
B.O.H.I.C.A. Bend Over Here It CUMS Again! Bill Leatherface2 Johnson / Nurse Hatchet Killaboration
Mixtress DemonatriX Presents: B.O.H.I.C.A. Bend Over Here It CUMS Again! (the official Uncut & Exxxtended Full-Length 4-Song Musick VideO Foursome Fetish Frenzy Featurette), Musick Killaboration by: Wild Bill Leatherface2 Johnson (Of Tobe Hoopers: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) together with Naughty Nurse Hatchet & The Mixtress DemonatriX (Of HM&M Films: House Of Whores 1 & 2) Devilicious DemonatriX Comicbook Vizual VideO ART By: Lyndal KONG Ferguson! Featuring: B.O.H.I.C.A. BEND OVER HERE IT CUMS AGAIN! part I, II, III, & IV, Plus a delightfully disturbing sneak-peek preview of the brand spankin’ new Mixtress DemonatriX Track titled: Politically Corrupt (Exxxposing the Naked Truth) Also Including Naughty Nurse Hatchet’s signature sadistically satiating DemonatriX Sexxxtra’z, Psychodelik Out-takes, cutting-room exxxtra’z & BloodBath Bloopers! Now Indulge ravenously voraciously & thoroughly ~ Nurse’s Orders! xoxo \m/
B O H I C A XXX Bend Over Here It Cums Again part# I (GhostDSance On Mammons Palace)
Mixtress DemonatriX Presents: B.O.H.I.C.A. Bend Over Here It CUMS Again! part #I (GhostDance on Mammons Palace) Musick Killaboration by: Wild Bill Leatherface2 Johnson (Of Tobe Hoopers: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) together with Naughty Nurse Hatchet. Devilicious DemonatriX Comicbook Vizual VideO ART By: Lyndal KONG Ferguson! plus Including Naughty Nurse Hatchet’s signature sadistically satiating DemonatriX Sexxxtra’z, Psychodelik Out-takes, cutting-room exxxtra’z & BloodBath Bloopers! Now Indulge ravenously voraciously & thoroughly ~ Nurse’s Orders!
B O H I C A XXX Bend Over Here It Cums Again part# II (Snide & Prejudice / Strategic Segregation)
Mixtress DemonatriX Presents: B.O.H.I.C.A. Bend Over Here It CUMS Again! part #II (Snide & Prejudice / Strategic Segregation) Musick Killaboration by: Wild Bill Leatherface2 Johnson (Of Tobe Hoopers: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) together with Naughty Nurse Hatchet. Devilicious DemonatriX Comicbook Vizual VideO ART By: Lyndal KONG Ferguson! plus Including Naughty Nurse Hatchet’s signature sadistically satiating DemonatriX Sexxxtra’z, Psychodelik Out-takes, cutting-room exxxtra’z & BloodBath Bloopers! Now Indulge ravenously voraciously & thoroughly ~ Nurse’s Orders! xoxo \m/
B O H I C A XXX Bend Over Here It Cums Again part# III (Divided We Fall / DeProgram the Program)
Mixtress DemonatriX Presents: B.O.H.I.C.A. Bend Over Here It CUMS Again! part #III (Divided We Fall / DeProgram the Program) Musick Killaboration by: Wild Bill Leatherface2 Johnson (Of Tobe Hoopers: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) together with Naughty Nurse Hatchet. Devilicious DemonatriX Comicbook Vizual VideO ART By: Lyndal KONG Ferguson! plus Including Naughty Nurse Hatchet’s signature sadistically satiating DemonatriX Sexxxtra’z, Psychodelik Out-takes, cutting-room exxxtra’z & BloodBath Bloopers! Now Indulge ravenously voraciously & thoroughly ~ Nurse’s Orders! xoxo \m/
B O H I C A XXX Bend Over Here It Cums Again part# IV (United We Stand / Overthrown Empire)
Mixtress DemonatriX Presents: B.O.H.I.C.A. Bend Over Here It CUMS Again! part #IV (United We Stand / Overthrown Empire) Musick Killaboration by: Wild Bill Leatherface2 Johnson (Of Tobe Hoopers: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) together with Naughty Nurse Hatchet. Devilicious DemonatriX Comicbook Vizual VideO ART By: Lyndal KONG Ferguson! Also Featuring a delightfully disturbing sneak-peek preview of the brand spankin’ new Mixtress DemonatriX Track titled: Politically Corrupt (Exxxposing the Naked Truth) Also Including Naughty Nurse Hatchet’s signature sadistically satiating DemonatriX Sexxxtra’z, Psychodelik Out-takes, cutting-room exxxtra’z & BloodBath Bloopers! Now Indulge ravenously voraciously & thoroughly ~ Nurse’s Orders! xoxo \m/

THE END! That’s a wrap, bottoms up & take your medicine ~ Nurse’s Orders