Vault of YouTube: Spend Today Watching This Texas Chain Saw Massacre Documentary

Released in 1974, Tobe Hooper’s The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has become one of the most recognized titles in the horror genre. It’s a film that has captivated and terrified audiences for generations, catapulting Leatherface into the upper stratosphere of genre icons where he stands alongside Freddy, Jason, and Michael.
While we wait for the long anticipated release of this fall’s Leatherface, an opportunity to look into the past for perspective should always be taken. From the depths of YouTube comes The Shocking Truth, a 2000 documentary that chats with the cast and crew of the original film about its impact, where it stands in the horror world, and much, much more. The documentary was part of the 2006 2-Disc Ultimate Edition DVD (which you can snag on Amazon).
Check it out below for a dive into horror history!