Ridley Scott’s Original Alien Has Been Recut as a Comedy

Ridley Scott’s 1979 sci-fi/horror film Alien is nothing short of a masterpiece. It’s a taut thriller, one that’s brilliantly written to maximize tension, paranoia, and fear. But what if the film were actually a comedy? What if, and hear me out here, the real villain of the film wasn’t the Xenomorph but was really Jonesy the cat?
The folk over at Mashable Watercooler have decided to cut a trailer from Alien using various scenes to make it look like the cat onboard is up to no good and the crew are desperate to try and capture it. It’s rather adorable and the sound effects and music used really hammer the point home, creating a trailer that works surprisingly well!
While I’ll never be able to see Alien as anything but a horror treasure, this put a huge smile on my face!