Behind the Mask Writer Looking to Make You Wait For It

If you’re a fan of Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon, it’s probably due in part to the wonderful script written by David J. Stieve. That film took an interesting concept and filled it with wit, humor, and charm, creating a film that has since release become a cult favorite.
Stieve is now raising funds on Indiegogo to finance a short film that he will also be directing. Titled Wait For It, the film will be “…set in good ol’ Leslie’s universe of stories” and is a “…loving deconstruction of the slasher genre, set in a similar (incredibly so) universe as the films we all know and love.”
Wait For It follows our Survivor Girl heroine, Darcy, as she travels home after a night out with friends, remaining ever-vigilant to the possibility that the masked maniac she previously tangled with could reappear at any moment. Especially if she lets her guard down. You see, being a Survivor Girl comes with a personal cost, one that endures long after the mayhem we’ve all seen has ended; Halloween night was bad, sure, but the middle of November ain’t no picnic, either.
The short is currently under 50% of its goal with five days left. If you want to see more creative, interesting, and self-aware horror, you can support Stieve’s Wait For It by clicking the above link and backing the project!