Have You Ever Wanted a Vampirella Tarot Card Set? Here’s Your Chance!

Created in 1969 by Forrest J. Ackerman, Vampirella has become an icon of horror, a vampire superhero who has battled the forces of evil for decades. Artists such as Frank Frazetta, Sanjulian, Bill Hughes, Jose Gonzalez, Enrich, Esteban Maroto, and Paul Gulacy, as well as more, have lent their creativity to further her story and keep her fresh in the minds of comic lovers everywhere.
Today, Dynamite Entertainment, who got the rights to Vampirella in 2010, have launched a Kickstarter that will expand the vampiress from comics to the world of mysticism in the form of a tarot card deck.
The set will feature 78 cards that, “… are built in a beautiful art deco style that embraces the vintage look and feel of the classic Vampirella Magazine covers.”
There are multiple tiers that offer a variety of unlocks and products, depending on how much you’re willing to fork over. If you want a print version of the cards, those start at the $35 level, which seems about right for what they’re trying to do here.
Click on the link above for more information.