Exclusive: Jean Rollin at Fantasia!

Following up yesterday’s first look at some of the horror films that will be playing this year’s Fantasia (read it here), we got an e-mail today with some very cool exclusive news for you guys!
Festival coordinator Mitch Davis dropped us a line with the good news that Jean Rollin (pictured) will be on hand for the premiere of his latest film, La Nuit Des Horloges (roughly translates to Night of the Clocks) which I’ve also seen called La Nuit Transfiguree (The Transfigured Night) and will be receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award while he’s there! That is something I’m sure you’re not going to want to miss. Davis said he’s also bringing a 35mm print of one of Mitch’s personal favorite Rollin films from the 70’s but won’t reveal what that is until the upcoming press conference.
This year will also see the world premiere of Robert Kurtzman’s The Rage (review) with Kurtzman himself on hand for the screening. Davis said they’re also hosting the North American premiere of a Thai film called 13 Beloved, which he referred to as “probably the wildest film of this year’s lineup”, and when Mitch Davis says that, it means something!
Keep your eyeballs peeled here as we’ll be covering each and every day of the three-week long festival again this year, so it’ll almost be like you’re there!
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