Dan Aykroyd Has Some Harsh Words For Paul Feig Regarding Ghostbusters

Let’s be real here, shall we? Paul Feig’s 2016 Ghostbusters didn’t do as well as Sony would’ve hoped. The movie cost nearly $150 million dollars and only pulled in just under $230 million worldwide. Factoring in marketing costs and theater cuts, I’d be amazed if the film broke even. Speaking with the British morning talk show “Sunday Brunch”, original star and executive producer of the reboot Dan Aykroyd has made it pretty clear that he believes the fault of the situation lies at the feet of director Paul Feig.
“The director, he spent too much on it and he didn’t shoot scenes we suggested to him. Several scenes that were going to be needed, he said, ‘No, we don’t need them.’ And then we tested the movie and they needed them, and he had to go back — about $30 to $40 million in reshoots,” Aykroyd states (per THR). However, a source tells the site that the studio was very happy with the relationship they had with Feig and that the reshoots only cost, “…about $3-4 million“.
Still, if Aykroyd is correct, it’s a huge blunder, one that will have soured the relationship between Feig and Sony. As Aykroyd puts it, “…he will not be back on the Sony lot anytime soon.”