Last Rites: Neill Blomkamp’s Alien Sequel is Dead

We hardly knew ye. A while back director Neill Blomkamp announced he wanted to make a proper sequel to Alien bringing back Aliens‘ Sigourney Weaver and Michael Biehn. Ridley Scott, however, was pumping out Alien flicks of his own and the idea kind of fell by the wayside. Today The Verge caught up with Blomkamp who has officially sounded the proposed film’s death knell.
“I think it’s totally dead, yes,” Blomkamp told the site. “That would be an accurate assumption at this point. It’s sad. I spent a long time working on that, and I feel like it was really pretty impressive. But politically, the way it’s gone now, and the way that it all is — it’s just not going to live.”
Blomkamp continues, “Yeah. Ridley [Scott] was one of my idols growing up. He’s so talented and he’s made this film that really set me off in a direction. I want to just be as respectful and not go stamping around in this world that he created. I think that if the circumstances were different, and I didn’t feel like I was getting too close to something that he apparently feels a massive personal connection to, that things that may have played out differently. But I did want to be as respectful as possible.”
Well, at least we got to share that awesome moment of having David teach Walter to play the recorder in Alien: Covenant. Thanks Ridley!