Fresh Talk on Darren Bousman’s Ninety

With 11 11 11 happily spinning in the hype wheel, it’s easy to forget that Darren Bousman has yet another numerically themed horror flick in the works … a little movie called Ninety whose premise is simple … 90 kills in a 90-minute movie.
The good folks over at This Week in Horror recently sat down with Bousman, who dropped the following on fans:
“It’s psychotic and it’s crazy”, Bousman tells co-hosts Matt Raub and Staci Layne Wilson. “I wanted to do a movie that’s fun. Repo! was fun, and I think that translated well into the movie. 11 11 11 and Mother’s Day are not fun movies. Ninety is fun. It’s 90 kills in 90 minutes. Done. Sold. Buy my ticket. We’re talking unique kills, too; it’s not like I just put ninety people in a room and dropped a bomb. The script is from Scott Milam, who also wrote Mother’s Day. It’s a cross between Natural Born Killers, True Romance, and something a little more lighthearted”.
Bousman continues, “When you’re going to kill ninety people in a movie, after a while it could become monotonous. You’ll feel like, “Okay, I’ve seen this. I’m done.” To combat that, we’re going out of our way to make our killer cool and badass, like Mickey and Mallory were in NBK. You’ll see the movie and just want to be the killer. Obviously we don’t want anyone to ever emulate being a killer as obviously that’s wrong, but we made sure our guy is just very likable. There’s two times that you’ll even want to high-five him.”
In case you’re looking to take that out of context, there are indeed two types of horror movies in particular … those that beat you up mentally like Martyrs or those that are just fun to watch like Dead Alive or one of the better Friday the 13th sequels. So please … take your panties out of their bunch.
In terms of what’s next for Bousman …
“I’ll be shooting a little surprise between 11 11 11 and the next thing. I’ve also sold another horror film that I’ve written that we may fast-track and move quickly into. It’s a monster movie. Another kind of exploratory thing that I’d like to do.”
Hit up the below video for more, including a description of one of Ninety‘s kills that will definitely bring a smile to your face. And if you haven’t checked it out already, make sure you’re diggin’ on “This Week in Horror” as the show is quickly becoming a very informative good time!
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