Lucio Fulci’s GATES OF HELL Comic Book ISSUE #2 Coming Out TODAY!

Yes, kids, it’s THAT TIME again at Eibon Press!
Time for the second issue of our epic comic adaptation of Lucio Fulci’s classic 1980s zombie shocker CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD!
Pre-orders of this unique, badass LIMITED EDITION comic book go live at 7pm PT tonight, which is JUNE 9, only at our website: EIBONPRESS.COM! Supplies of our signed editions are limited to just 1,000 copies, and they always sell fast, so get there early to get a low number!
This comic issue marks the beginning of our SECOND YEAR doing all this insane collector’s comic stuff. Yep, it’s been almost exactly 12 months since we started . . . and in the coming months, you’re going to start seeing some REAL shit, as we take this thing to a whole new level! That will begin with our incredible SEQUEL to Fulci’s ZOMBIE (starting with Lucio Fulci’s Zombie #5) in August and our badass line of VHS COMICS, which debut just in time for Halloween!
Meanwhile . . . check out our awesome UNBOXING VIDEO here for GATES #2. It’s our BEST yet, so BE THERE at when the blood starts to fly!