Hatchet Kills NC-17 Rating

Somehow Hostel: Part II (review) was able to receive an R rating, but a far better film called Hatchet (review) got the shaft from the MPAA with an NC-17 branding. The gore, nudity and language are far less graphic than Roth’s film, but the board didn’t see it that way … until now.
After two months of appeals writer/director Adam Green’s film has finally won the R rating it deserves. This will help eliminating the problems Hatchet would have had if the previous rating had been upheld.
Does this mean the fight is over? No, Hatchet still needs our support. It is set to open nationwide on September 7th, but not all theatres may be showing the film. To ensure that Crowley will be coming to your town, head over to the Hatchet Army‘s Myspace Page to learn what you can do to help.
In Adam’s own words, “A big thanks to everyone for their continued support and enthusiasm. Mainstream Hollywood claims that the fans will only support remakes and PG-13 horror at the box office these days. I hope that on September 7th we prove them wrong.“
For more on Hatchet click here to check out our news archive.
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