Guest Blog: Frankenstein’s Monster on the Importance of Renewable Energy

Recently The Babadook became an unlikely champion of the LGBT community, and that started us thinking… Hey, do other famous horror icons have similar social agendas?
So we reached out to a few of them to get their stances on some of the important issues facing the world today.
The first one to answer the call? Frankenstein’s Monster, who’s been laying low for a few decades because of a couple of nasty incidents revolving around windmills and fire. As it turns out, Big Frankie is a big supporter of renewable energy.
We’ll turn it over to him for clarification!
Fossil fuel consumption … BAD!
Some renewable energy … GOOD!
Pollution from burning coal … BAD!
Energy from far away sky fireball … FRIEND! FRIEND, GOOD!
Water polluted during process of energy creation … BAD!
Clean water, float daisies. Float daisies … GOOD!
Villagers leave appliances plugged in and running. Consume needless energy … BAD!
Unplug and save energy for me to keep running from villagers … GOOD!
Windmill energy… BAD!
Windmill not FRIEND! Wind feed fire! Fire BAD!
FRIEND once tried to convince me fire GOOD!
Fire NO GOOD! Burn groin! Now bald. Bride laughs.
Groin burn … BAD!
We here at Dread Central would like to thank the Frankenstein’s Monster for his time and have recommended a cooling salve to him for said burns accrued during those devastating windmill fires of days gone by.
Please note that the opinions expressed here are those of the Monster and not those of Dread Central or any of its affiliates.