Trailer Debut – Jason Mewes Fights For His Life Against The Watermen
You know, Silent Bob never found himself in this kind of shit. Since leaving his quiet and portly friend, Jay (or Jason Mewes) has embarked on a journey through the indie side of horror filmmaking, and we’ve got the trailer for his next terror-filled outing.
The Watermen, directed by Matt Lockhart, stars Mewes along with Richard Riehle, Tara Heston, and Joy Glass. Though details are indeed on the scant side of the fence, the film has promised to be an action-packed suspense/horror film.
Look for more on this flick, which tells the tale of a clan of watermen who capture a crew of sport fishermen who must then fight for their lives, as soon as we get it.
In the interim dig on the goods below.
Thanks to DC reader Avery for the heads-up!
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