Author Steve Alten Opens the Book on the Undisclosed

Best-selling author Steve Alten (Meg) has a new book on its way and we have your first look at what’s to come. Get ready to learn about The Undisclosed.
From the Press Release:
On Saturday December 14, 2013 at approximately 11:10 PM, NY Times best-selling author Steve Alten and his wife, Kim, were returning home from dinner and a movie. As they drove through their neighborhood, they noticed something bizarre moving toward them in the night sky – pale amber lights like nothing they had ever seen.
Says Alten: “There were eight to twelve of them flying in staggered pairs, approaching from the south less than a thousand feet (estimated) above Route 441/State Road 7 in Palm Beach County. They were far too silent and smooth to be helicopters and they were definitely not planes. As they came closer and passed almost directly overhead we could see the outline of a… well, their saucer-shaped vessels. By this time I had parked the car and Kim and I just stood and watched them, the two of us incredulous as they moved north through a cloudless night sky… until, pair by pair, they simply faded into the ether. Let me be clear here, they didn’t move out of range or shut off their lights or disappear into a cloud bank, they slipped out of existence. Neither one of us had ever seen a UFO before. Far from being scared, we felt exhilarated, like we had just been treated to something very special.”
Three days later, the couple drove to Miami Beach and had dinner with Dr. Steven M. Greer and his wife Emily – the first time the four had ever met. Considered by many to be the world’s foremost authority on UFOs and Extraterrestrials, Dr. Greer has prepared briefs for two sitting presidents, members of congress, the Head of the Joint Chiefs, and many world leaders. He also leads CE-5 expeditions – Human-instigated ET encounters which use group meditation and remote viewing techniques to vector in the Interstellars.
Steve Alten had contacted Dr. Greer after watching his 2001 Disclosure Project, a media event now viewed by hundreds of millions of people on YouTube that featured twenty eyewitnesses in the military, Intelligence community, FAA, and private defense sector who testified UFOs are not only real, but that there has been a major cover-up regarding free energy technologies, reverse-engineered from downed interstellar craft that could end global warming, poverty and famine, and change the world – only the fossil fuel industry and military industrial complex refuses to acknowledge their existence.
Alten had emailed Dr. Greer seeking permission to use excerpts of these testimonials in one of his novels. A year after the book was published he received an invitation to meet the Greers in Miami for dinner. Of course, the first thing the Altens spoke about was their UFO experience three nights earlier. Dr. Greer explained that these close encounters happen to many of the people he is going to meet for the first time; the ETs are “checking you out to make sure your motives are pure.” Greer discovered that advanced species communicate through consciousness; it was during meditation that he learned how to initiate his own close encounters.
The meeting in December led to a three-pronged game plan designed to alert the masses to these zero-point-energy technologies, along with details about a False Flag event set up by the military industrial complex intended to make it look like we’re being attacked by “evil aliens.”
‘Unacknowledged’ (the documentary) was released by The Orchard, a division of Sony on April 24, 2017. Unacknowledged (the book, edited by Steve Alten) was released by A&M Publishers on April 25, 2017. Undisclosed (a new thriller by Steve Alten) will be released on June 6, 2017. The story is about Adam Shariak, a veteran of the Iraq war, who is appointed Under Secretary of Defense in 2017 in order to penetrate a secret government, purposely black-shelving a clean, abundant energy system, reverse-engineered from downed UFOs. Both books and the movie name names, sites of secret black ops funded underground holding real UFOs and Alien Reproduction Vehicles, and details how a secret group, known as Majik, “murdered former CIA Director William Colby days before he was supposed to turn over a zero-point energy device and millions of dollars in seed money to Dr. Greer.”