Killer Klowns to Invade the Montalban Theatre

If you’re lucky, it’s sometimes possible to catch a band covering your favorite themes at random concerts or as part of a medley at the end of an orchestral set. For some of us, those bones tossed our way just aren’t enough and we demand more. Well, someone up there … or down there heard our cries for musical satisfaction!
The man who brought us a cavalcade of synth and horror, maestro John Massari, will be conducting the Killer Klowns from Outer Space score with a live orchestra! This rare event will be taking place at the Montalban Theatre in Hollywood on October 22nd, 2017.
It is also being hinted at that a “super secret surprise band” will be in attendance to perform the film’s theme song.
Tickets can be purchased here. The Montalban is located 1615 North Vine Street in Hollywood, California.
Check out our exclusive interview with Massari to learn more about how the Killer Klowns film and score took shape.