Joe D’Amato’s Beyond the Darkness Getting Uncensored Release

Severin Films has announced that they are going to bring Joe D’Amato’s shocking and nightmarish Beyond the Darkness (aka Buio Omega) to Blu-ray in its full uncensored glory! They’re aiming for a July 25th release date.
Customers who pre-order from the Severin webstore can also pick up the Necro Bundle, containing the new edition of the movie along with the soundtrack, an air freshener to cover up that unfortunate corpse smell, a reproduction of the original US one sheet poster (full-size 27×39) under the alternate title BURIED ALIVE, a new enamel pin designed by Pseudo Ludo, AND a new t-shirt from Pallbearer Press.
There’s also a 2-disc Blu-ray edition available for pre-order. This edition also includes the remastered Goblin soundtrack.
A rich man loses his fiance when his jealous housekeeper uses voodoo on her. After she is buried, he steals the body, cleans it up, and puts it in his mansion.
Special Features:
*Joe D’Amato: The Horror Experience
*The Omega Woman: Interview With Actress Franca Stoppi
*Sick Love – An Interview With Actress Cinzia Monreale
*Goblin Reborn Perform Buio Omega Live 2016
*Locations Revisited
*English & Italian Audio
*English Closed Captions