It Stains the Sands Red Gets VOD and Theatrical Release Date


Dark Sky has set a July 28th release date for It Stains the Sands Red, where it will be launch on VOD platforms as well as get a limited theatrical run.

The upcoming post-apocalyptic zombie horror film from The Vicious Brothers (Colin Minihan and Stuart Ortiz), It Stains the Sands Red stars Brittany Allen, Juan Riedinger, and Merwin Mondesir.

It Stains the Sands Red begins following a zombie apocalypse, when Molly (Brittany Allen) finds herself lost in the desert with one of the rabid living dead hot on her trail. Although at first she finds it hard to give him the slip, the situation gets even more complicated when the girl realizes that, unlike her, her pursuer has no physical need to stop and rest.

