Lorcan Finnegan’s Without Name Hit VOD Today

The Irish nature-based psychological horror/thriller Without Name has come to VOD platforms today via Global Digital Releasing. Directed by Lorcan Finnegan, who created the stunning short film Foxes, the film follows a land surveyor and the strange feelings he goes through when scoping a remote forest.
Starring Alan McKenna, Without Name took home the Best Feature, Best Director, Best Editor, and Best Cinematography awards at the 2016 Brooklyn Horror Film Festival.
Below is a clip, the trailer, and the poster.
The story follows land surveyor Eric as he travels to a remote, unnamed Irish woodland to assess its suitability for a new development project. However, not all is as simple as it seems on this assignment. Intrigued by the woods’ foreboding mysticism, Eric finds himself drawn into a dangerous game that could lead to him becoming a prisoner of this place without name.