Robert Zemeckis and Sony Threaten Us With Killer Gnomes

No, we haven’t been drinking.
Word has come down that Sony Pictures Animation has optioned the book How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack to be a cg/live action film, and none other than Robert Zemeckis is attached to produce. (At this time he is not slated to direct, nor has a screenwriter been chosen.)
The book by Chuck Sambuchino, whose full title is How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack: Defend Yourself When the Lawn Warriors Strike (and They Will) is a tongue-in-cheek survival guide that helps garden gnome owners prevent, prepare for and ward off an imminent invasion from the menacing lawn statues.
Here’s the rub, though, Sony is budgeting this for around $20-30 million AND they are aiming for an R rating. We are going to get good money put into killer garden gnomes dealing out R-rated carnage.
Do we have your attention now?
Keep checking back to find out more about the impending lawn gnome attack. In the meantime tell us what you think. If you were taken out by a garden gnome, what would the ultimate death by gnome be?

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