The Basement (Formerly Gemini) Gets a Poster!

Last year we brought you the first word from the set of the bloody psychological horror feature Gemini. Today we bring you a look at the teaser poster created by famed LA-based artist Aaron Kai for Brian M. Conley and Nathan Ives’ film, now retitled The Basement.
Revolving around a Los Angeles area serial killer known only as The Gemini who kidnaps a seemingly innocent man and forces him to reenact the killer’s own capture and execution by portraying the roles of those responsible, the currently in post-production indie The Basement is co-written, directed, and produced by Conley and Ives. Mark Heidelberger produces with Kenneth Stipe serving as director of photography, Julian Brown as production designer, and Brady Hallongren as editor. Juli Hapney serves as FX artist.
Jackson Davis (“Lonelygirl15”), Cayleb Long, Bailey Anne Borders (The 5th Wave), Tracie Thoms (Death Proof), and Mischa Barton (The Sixth Sense) star.
Extrapolating from the logline of “Two Men. Twelve Personalities. One Living Hell” and the characters depicted in the poster, it begs the question: What are the other ten personalities, and just how unsettling are they? Personally for this writer (who unfortunately suffers from a mild case of coulrophobia – no thanks to Tim Curry), that creepy AF clown depicted is quite enough.
We’ll have more to come soon. In the meantime, the film can be found on Facebook, on Twitter @Basement_Movie and on Instagram at @basementhorrormovie.