The Heretics Trailer Brings Mystery, Cults, and Demons to Life

A full trailer for the upcoming cult horror film The Heretics has been released and it looks gorgeous and intense. The Black Fawn Films production follows the search for a missing woman and the horrific events that unfold in the short amount of time since her disappearance.
Directed by Chad Archibald and written by Jayme LaForest, The Heretics stars Ry Barrett, Nina Kiri and Jorja Cadence.
A notorious cult kidnaps a young girl and sacrifices themselves by the light of the locust moon. The next morning the girl awakes, caked in dried blood and surrounded by corpses but safe – or so she thinks.
Years later, the locust moon is about to rise again, and the girl is captured once more by a surviving member of the cult. She is taken to a remote cabin, where she learns that a demon has been growing inside of her all these years, and before the dawn it will rise.