Tales from The Whorehouse of Horror Too Sexy for Kickstarter

After being deemed too explicit for Kickstarter, the comic Tales from The Whorehouse of Horror from creators Yakov Levi and Jeffrey Scott has moved to Indiegogo in all its uncensored glory.
The comic too sexy for Kickstarter…
Welcum to The Red Light District of the Cemetery, a place where the ghouls go wild, vampires suck more than just blood, and every pervert can howl at the full moon together. This is Tales from The Whorehouse of Horror!
Previously raising almost $700 in 8 days on Kickstarter, we were deemed too sexy to continue. But after being kicked in the balls by Kickstarter, we weren’t going to let the door hit us in the ass on the way out! So we cum to you, Indiegogo, to present the comic we love and have worked so damn hard on (and the work gave us a damn hard-on). Censorship won’t win this time! But what exactly is Tales from The Whorehouse of Horror, you ask (besides fucking awesome)?
A labor of love, Tales from The Whorehouse of Horror covers the entire anals, er, annals (no poon, er, pun, intended) of modern horror, from the classic “TALES FROM THE CRYPT” comics of the 1950s to the current “AMERICAN HORROR STORY” series of today. Add to that the best elements of porn history, from your Dad’s vintage (and sticky) “PENTHOUSE” collection to your well-worn Blu-ray of “TWO GIRLS, ONE CUP,” and you’ve got quite the package. Tales from The Whorehouse of Horror is the first in a new genre of entertainment: WHORROR (Whore+Horror=Whorror).
What WHORROR-IBLE stories will Issue #1 contain? Glad you asked!
A man’s wet dream turns into a nightmare – and the cum-guzzling demon in those nightmares wants to enter our world! Inspired by the writings of HP LOVESHAFT! (Click here to read this tale for free!)
A ghostly highway hooker steals a man’s $50 without giving him the blowjob he paid for. The client is determined to hunt down this ghost whore and get what’s owed to him, even if it means becoming a ghost himself!
King Touch-N-Kummin died with a hard-on over 4000 years ago and his penis has not been disturbed since… until now, when 3 slutty girls decide to take sexy selfies with it during a museum visit. The curse of the mummy’s boner has been stirred to life, and the mummy will not rest until he takes each of these girls’ souls to his eternal harem in the Egyptian afterlife!
It’s the wee hours of night, it’s dark, and a stranger is sucking your dick under the bedsheets! Don’t ask questions, and absolutely do not turn on the lights! You’ll sleep with one eye open after reading this one!
Mystery Tale for Backers’ Eyes Only
The 5th tale is too tantalizing, too crude, too flat-out controversial for just any ol’ person to see. Only backers will get a glimpse inside! Hell, we can’t even let you see the cover!
Coming in at 80 pages, this is a lot of book for your buck, not to mention the free online access to our entire catalogue. But of course, for those who are really into WHORROR, we have plenty of perks.