Neil Marshall Wants His Hellboy to Feature Loads of Practical FX

While I may have mixed feelings regarding the news that Hellboy is getting rebooted with The Descent director Neil Marshall at the helm and “Stranger Things” actor David Harbour in the titular role, I can’t deny that I’m very eager to return to that world. Part of what made Guillermo del Toro’s films so magical and engaging was how real they felt, how tangible each scene was.
Marshall is well aware that such realism adds a great deal to a film, which is why, in a recent conversation with Mick Garris on the Post Mortem podcast, he explained that he wants to utilize as much practical FX as possible.
“It’s definitely going to be as practical as we can possibly make it. I love to do stuff in camera whenever I possibly can, and use CG as the amazing tool that it is, to enhance or expand upon the world, but not to use it to replace reality, when you can do it [for] real,” Marshall explains.
Furthermore, he addresses the news that the film will be seeking an R-rating, stating, “We’ve been granted permission to do it R-rated, which for me is just like taking the cuffs off. It’s like, okay, so now we can just make the movie we want to make. It’s not like I’m going to force it to be R-rated, but if it happens to come out that way, just because of my own sensibilities, then fine. And nobody’s going to stop us. So, that’s the main [difference]. And I’m sure, obviously, the success of things like ‘Deadpool’ and ‘Logan’ have not hurt that cause. But, also, when you go back the original material, it is kind of bloody, so I’m going to embrace that.”
Production on the film is hoping to start this September.