Return to the Realm of Nosgoth With This Legacy of Kain Retrospective Video
The Legacy of Kain games were pretty damn incredible. I remember both playing and watching my friends go through them, marveling at the (at the time) beautiful and unique visuals as well as the imagination that went into nearly every aspect of the game. Alas, the series has fallen by the wayside with no new entry since 2003 but we have gotten give games over the years.
The story of the Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver follows Raziel, a vampire-turned-wraith who goes on a journey to exact his revenge upon Kain, the vampire lord who betrayed him. Packed full of gothic visuals, vicious kills, and a fascinating and deep storyline, the games were a marvel of their time, even if some of the gameplay aspects became a bit rote as the game went on.
Still, for many, including myself, there is a strong feeling of nostalgia associated with the game, which is why I want to highlight the below video from YouTuber RagnarRox. The video is part of Ragnar’s “Forgotten Gems” series, which looks at titles that have, “…at some point, fallen into obscurity“. Considering the horror foundation of Legacy of Kain, I have absolutely no problem sharing this with all of you!