New Terminator News – Arnold Schwarzenegger is Back

The day Terminator fans have been waiting patiently for is here. The man who piloted everyone’s favorite killer cyborg is back in the synthetic flesh and looking to unload in the name of saving the universe from the machines.
Deadline is reporting that Arnold Schwarzenegger is attached to star in a rights package that CAA is shopping today that will revive The Terminator, one of Hollywood’s most iconic science fiction franchises.
The agency is dropping the package on studios this afternoon. There is no screenwriter attached at this point, and Robert Cort is producing. This is the first real activity on The Terminator project since February 2010, when the property emerged from a bankruptcy auction and into the possession of Pacificor.
At the time of the auction, Pacificor beat out a combined bid by Lionsgate and Sony planning to make back-to-back sequels to bring the franchise to a natural creative conclusion.
Fast Five director Justin Lin will be at the helm. More soon!

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