FrightFest 2017 Uploads a Mindhack

We live in the age of technology so it’s only to be expected that up and coming filmmakers explore these tropes in the new wave of horror films playing at FrightFest 2017. Next up we have your first look at Mindhack.
Director: Royce Gorsuch.
With: Chris Mason, Scott Mechlowicz, Spencer Locke, Faran Tahir, Brandon Scott.
USA 2017. 106 mins.
A brilliant scientist is on a mission to hack the human mind to save humanity from its own catastrophic errors and is pushed to do whatever is necessary to complete the assignment. An extraordinary visionary experience about the inner conflicts of being a culture-jamming creator, director Royce Gorsuch’s kaleidoscopic mindbender is an astonishingly visual tour de force about the cacophony of voices in our heads pushing us, confusing us, mixing signals, the ego, reason, and the mistaken evils which might come from accomplishing the goal. An inner space odyssey through reconciliation, forgiveness and self-sacrifice for the greater good.