Along Came a Mega Spider

A movie titled Mega Spider is in pre-production and, shockingly, The Asylum has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with it. Whether or not it this mega-sized spider is bound for Syfy remains to be seen. What we do know is that Epic Pictures Group are about to let an epic-sized alien arachnid snare Motown in its web.
“A 50 foot tall alien spider escapes from a military lab and rampage the city of Detroit. When a massive military strike fails, it is up to a team of scientists and one clever exterminator to kill the creature before the city is destroyed.”
11-11-11 producers Patrick Ewald and Shaked Berenson must have a thing for nature gone amok having also produced the killer grizzly flick Bear and the forthcoming killer wolf pack flick Wolf Town. Given the fine print at the bottom of the artwork reads “EPIC PICTURES GROUP CREATURE COLLECTION” I’m left to assume there will be more where this came from.
Mega Spider is slated for 2012. Expect to hear more about this eight-legged freak in the future.

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