DreadVision Goes to the Dogs for July!

After another fight to get the rights to show our chosen film, tickets for July 2017’s DreadVision are now on sale over at the Alamo Drafthouse website!
To celebrate Dark Hour Haunted House‘s “Dog Days of Summer” show, we’re presenting Neil Marshall’s directorial debut: DOG SOLDIERS! The film stars Emma Cleasby, Kevin McKidd, and Sean Pertwee.
A fantastic, thrill-packed flick from 2002, Dog Soldiers sets a batch of UK soldiers against a pack of gigantic bloody werewolves in a remote house in the wilderness. Gore and bullets fly as the military men barricade themselves in the house, and the eight-foot-tall lycanthropes decide that makes them ripe for a buffet.
Dark Hour is breaking out the goodies for this my friends. Everyone who comes to see the film gets a $10 certificate to use towards tickets to the Dog Days Of Summer show next Friday and Saturday, July 14-15! That’s right, $5 movie ticket gets you $10 off entrance to the incredible werewolf-themed haunt that weekend. As if that wasn’t enough, the winner of this month’s challenge not only gets a Box of Dread, they’ll also get a free ticket to the haunt!
The show is at 10:35 pm this coming Tuesday, July 11th. Get your tickets NOW as this is going to be a popular title!
As always, tickets are just $5 for Alamo’s TACO Tuesday promotion, and I’ll be giving away one of last month’s Box of Dread to the surviv… uh… WINNER of this month’s challenge! If I get my way on how this challenge is gonna work, things could get… hairy…
Keep your eyes out for the announcement of next month’s title, which should come much sooner than this one did. I’m not saying what we’re doing, but we’re definitely kicking things into overdrive…