We Will Be Seeing a Bevy of New Re-Animator Merchandise

Re-animator Productions has locked down a deal with Creative Licensing to work on more merchandise options for the 1985 sci-fi/horror film, according to Licensing. The first project that is being worked on is a deal with NECA toys, who will be making a line of collectible action figures.
NECA’s Randy Falk, who is the director of product development, explains, “I have been a longtime fan of Re-Animator and know that there are lots of comedy sci-fi collectors waiting for new Re-Animator figures. It will be a perfect addition to NECA’s line.”
Meanwhile, Rand Marlis, CEO and president of Creative Licensing, adds, “Re-Animator is a film about a scientist who invents a way to re-animate deceased bodies. It is full crazy, gory, over the top scenes that fans have come to love. We are excited to continue to build out the merchandise licensing programme for this film.”
More projects will be unrolled through this venture.