Nightmare Fuel: Big Mouth Goes to the Dentist

What’s that old saying? The road to hell is paved with good intentions? Yeah, that certainly applies here.
1979. It was a weird year, man. Especially for children’s programming. If you look back on some of the shit that was released, a good portion of it was just plain creepy. Big Mouth Goes to the Dentist is a prime example of just that!
Dug up by our own Foywonder, what we have here is… well… a children’s video in support of dentistry starring the least popular Sid and Marty Krofft character ever, Vinny Vaginaldentata. Or, as Foy describes it…
“An oddball educational short designed to teach children about dental care and not to be afraid of a trip to the dentist via the story of a bratty nightmare fuel puppet named Big Mouth.”