Who Goes There Podcast: Episode 123 – Castlevania (TV Show)

Boys and girls, the time has finally come! The long awaited “Castlevania” adaptation has finally hit Netflix! As longtime fans of the video game series, we are pleased as punch to see the Belmonts kicking undead ass!
This week we recorded live at Thr3e Punk Ales Brewery in Chula Vista, CA, and due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, Chris had to miss the show. But fear not! Filling in this week we’re joined again by Steve Garcia from Thr3e Punk Ales, and the always wonderful and greatly missed Alia sat in for the first time in forever!
This is a shorter episode, where we barely talk about anything other than licking our own assholes… literally.
The ice cream is gonna be flyin’ fast and furious. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 123!
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