George A. Romero’s Road of the Dead WILL Be Made

Several days ago, I wrote about George A. Romero’s Road of the Dead, which he co-wrote with his frequent stunt coordinator and collaborator Matt Birman. After his passing, Birman spoke to IndieWire to unequivocally state, “I will stop at nothing to get [the film] made! For him and with him. Road of the Dead now becomes a legacy film. We won’t only be making the film for him, it will also be with him. He will be by my side and in my ear for the rest of my career, I have no doubt.”
Romero described Road of the Dead as, “…The Fast and the Furious with zombies,” also stating that the film is “…really almost a comedy, though it’s got scares and spooky moments and all that. It’s more about suspense than blood.”
Birman is currently at the Fantasia Film Festival to seek funding at Frontières. “[George] felt we were on our way to a greenlight, and I still do,” Birman says.