Stay Out of Trouble and Watch the RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop Trailer

Released at a time before there was a new superhero film hitting screens every five minutes, Paul Verhoeven’s RoboCop was bold, bloody, and downright spectacular. The same can be said of the new documentary RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop, which has recently debuted a lengthy new trailer. The “blood, I want more fucking blood” quote at 0:58 was particularly enlightening.
Funded last year on Kickstarter, RoboDoc will commemorate the 30th anniversary of the release of RoboCop, with over ninety members of the film’s cast and crew being involved. For whatever reason, RoboCop himself, Peter Weller, refused to appear, although archive footage from previous interviews of his will be used.
Director Chris Griffiths previously bought us the 3-1/2-hour You’re So Cool, Brewster! The Story of Fright Night, so RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop is expected to also have a pretty epic runtime when it arrives later this year.
RoboDoc is a new feature-length retrospective into the making of RoboCop (1987), its sequels, and its cultural impact over the last 30 years. Supported with over 90 members of the original cast and crew, RoboDoc is made by fans for the fans of the franchise.
Dr. Peter Weller declined several requests to be interviewed for this film. We must respect his wishes. We have acquired archive interviews (both old and new) that are to be featured in the final film.