If a Tree Falls Will It Score a Release Date? You Bet It Will!

After lots and lots of talk the folks behind the new indie horror flick If a Tree Falls have finally hammered out the Canadian release details, and we have them all for you right here! Dig it!
From the Press Release
The Philip Carrer-directed feature If A Tree Falls is set to be released nationwide on May 31, 2011.
It will be the first release from Black Fawn Distribution, the brand new distribution arm of Black Fawn Films.
“The industry continues in going through some insane changes, and it just felt like those indie DIY filmmakers out there who generally have it the hardest are the ones taking the hits,” states Chad Archibald, owner of Black Fawn Films and Black Fawn Distribution. “Black Fawn Distribution is a distribution company created specifically for filmmakers out there with amazing films that are getting blown off by the industry for not having enough ‘Hollywood appeal’ or ‘mass marketability’. There are many great movies out there simply getting lost in distribution hell these days. We’re going back to the basics, in order to get great films distributed and to get royalties put back into the pockets of the people who actually deserve them – those filmmakers who have slaved away to make such films.“
A LIMITED EDITION “If A Tree Falls” DVD package will be available to PRE-ORDER online, starting today with the DVD hitting stores across Canada on Tuesday, May 31, 2011.
This limited edition package contains a DVD copy of the film, a signed “If A Tree Falls” poster and a limited edition bandana. This is an exclusive, on-line offer for fans and friends being able to purchase and receive If A Tree Falls, before everyone else can. For further details on the DVD release and ordering information, please visit the Black Fawn Films official website.
The If A Tree Falls DVD is packed with Behind-the-Scenes Featurettes, Interviews, Trailers, Deleted Scenes, Alternate Endings, and an Audio Commentary with the writer, Ryan Barrett, and director, PGC, that you won’t soon forget!
“If A Tree Falls has been making waves in the horror scene for the past year, and we’re excited to finally make it available to audiences all across Canada,” says C. Benner, the new distribution manager for Black Fawn Distribution. “Like all indie horror releases, this film will need the continued support of genre fans everywhere, and we’ve already been impressed by the positive reaction we’ve received from both fans and retailers. Make sure you inform your local HMV, Sunrise Records, Best Buy, DVD stores and retailers etc., and let them know that there’s a demand If A Tree Falls . Keep indie films alive!”
If A Tree Falls will also have its Canadian broadcast premiere on Super Channel on June 3rd, 2011 at 10:45pm on SC2/HD2.
In Canada about eight percent of all homicide incidents are murder-suicides. Ninety percent of murder-suicides are family-related.
Brad, Will, Nessa, and Lisa are four lifelong family friends in their twenties, who set out to cross Eastern Canada for a family reunion through the scenic countryside. On a blistering hot summer day, the trouble begins when they find an appealing place to stop for the night. The group thinks they have found the perfect haven, when they are awakened by strange noises in the forest.
What ensues is a violent disturbance by six masked assailants – without motive, without reason. The group finds themselves living in a night of psychological games and physical terror. As morning dawns, the reality of what will come is more terrifying than anything the group could have imagined.

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