The Terminator Franchise Finds a Home

One of the biggest deals to go down at this year’s Cannes film market is now over and done with. All that’s left to do? Send Arnie back to the gym, fire up the CGI computers, go for an R rating and get to filming!
According to Deadline Megan Ellison has won an auction for the rights to make at least two more installments of The Terminator franchise, with Fast Five‘s Justin Lin attached to direct and Arnold Schwarzenegger attached to star. The deal came down to Ellison’s Annapurna Films and Lionsgate, which seemed to have had the project sewn up until she came forward with a dramatic bid. The auction at the time was for a guarantee for at least half of the $29.5 million paid by hedge fund Pacificor to pull the franchise out of bankruptcy.
Look for more soon!

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