Weekend of Horrors 2011: Lamberto Bava Talks Demons 3 and Argento’s Dracula 3D

Creation Weekend of Horrors
Some news is coming out of L.A.’s big genre dance, the Creation Weekend of Horrors, and of course we were on the scene to bring you the goods. Read on for all the details fit to print!
During the Demons reunion panel director Lamberto Bava announced that an official sequel to his Demons films, Demons 3, is still very much in the works. All parties concerned are in the talking phase about getting it done, and it seems that the only thing holding it up, like so many other projects, is securing the proper financing.
In other news Bava, composer Claudio Simonetti, and F/X master Sergio Stivaletti will all be working directly with director Dario Argento on Dracula 3D, which begins production at the end of the month.
Stay tuned for more from the show as it comes!

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