Rogue Poster!

Oooooh, yes, this I like a lot.
It’s simple, it’s effective, and it doesn’t try and tell you the movie is about anything other than a giant crocodile terrorizing people. It’s also got just enough of a Jaws feel to it to give it insta-cred. But man, whoever came up with that tagline should loose their job. Ugh.
Rogue, you may recall, is the sophomore effort from Wolf Creek helmer Greg McLean, about an American journalist (“Alias” pretty boy Michael Vartan) on assignment in the Australian outback when the boat he’s traveling on runs afoul of a very big, very pissed crocodile. Dismemberment ensues.
No solid word on the release yet but since there’s now a poster for it we can hope Dimension have decided to give it a shot theatrically. We’ll let you know more as soon as we do!
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