Quatto Lives in Total Recall Remake

The Hollywood Reporter
Well, we may not be getting a trip to Mars, and it’s still unclear as to whether or not the famed three-boobed chick will appear; however, we do know that at least one mutant will be making his way into the Total Recall redux.
According to The Hollywood Reporter Bill Nighy is in negotiations to join the cast of Total Recall, Columbia’s Colin Farrell-led remake of the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger action movie.
The film, which starts shooting in June in Toronto and will be directed by Len Wiseman, also stars Bryan Cranston as the villain with Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel as the female leads. Ethan Hawke is on board for a cameo.
The movie ditches the Martian storyline from the original pic and instead involves nation states Euromerica and New Shanghai. Farrell plays Douglas Quaid, a factory worker in the latter who begins to believe he is a spy — although he doesn’t know for which side.
Nighy will play Quatto, the leader of the resistance. (In the 1990 movie the character, called Kuato, was played by Marshall Bell with the conceit that the leader was actually a small mutant living off the human.)
The remake will be landing in theatres on August 3rd, 2012.

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