A Serbian Film Director Srdjan Spasojevic in Pre-Production on Whereout

After breaking out in 2010 with A Serbian Film and following that up with a segment in 2012’s The ABCs of Death, horror fans have been waiting to see what director Srdjan Spasojevic and his co-writer Aleksandar Radivojevic might come up with next. We have the lowdown for you today!
Controversial director Spasojevic and his cohort Radivojevic have begun pre-production on Whereout, which Contra Film and Unearthed Films are producing.
Aside from the below synopsis, details are scarce at this point, but stay tuned… we’re sure to have more for you soon!
Whereout is a supernatural western about a man determined to face mighty opposition to protect the woman he loves. Driven onward by the sheer power of his own will, he fights through unknown worlds to defend the small remaining tract of their Utopian paradise. As the unrelenting battle unfolds, so strong is his purpose and so ferocious his resistance that the universe itself will tremble.