Bigfoot Captured on Video in Washington?

Oh, Bigfoot. You’re such a tease. This one’s for the Sasquatchploitation fans out there – Apparently yet another sighting of the crypto-based beast has been captured on film out in the woods of Spokane, Washington.
According to the KXLY website a local woman out for a day hike along the Spokane River claims to have proof of the mysterious and elusive Bigfoot.
Samantha, who did not give her last name, and her friends were hiking at Downriver Park over the weekend when they captured Bigfoot by using an iPhone camera. In her post on YouTube Samantha said she didn’t notice Bigfoot until she looked at her video when she got home.
“Someone asked me in the comments section if I believed in Bigfoot before the video,” wrote Samantha in an e-mail. “I have never given it much thought, but now I’m not so sure. Seem real enough to me,” she said.
The video was shown to several students and staff at Spokane Community College, where the school mascot is Bigfoot himself. Dig on it below. We just kind of have to call bullshit. This looks more like a viral video for “Teen Wolf” than an actual Sasquatch sighting. Tell us what you think below.
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