This LEGO Xenomorph Bust Is Damn Impressive!


As a kid, playing with LEGO bricks was one of my favorite things to do. I adored spending the time following instructions to put together a set from beginning to end but I had just as much fun taking it apart and then using those pieces to create something from my own imagination. It could be a giant monster that I would pit against my action figures or it could be a shoddy replica of a gun I saw in an action movie. Whatever it was that my imagination conjured up, that was what I attempted to recreate using LEGO bricks.

That’s why I’m so impressed by Blair Archer and his Alien Xenomorph bust, which features great attention to detail and 100% captures the style of the sci-fi/horror creature.

Speaking with GeeksAreSexy, Archer explained:

“I had no idea just what I was in for. Countless late nights tinkering, hours hunting parts in Bricks and Minifigs and on Bricklink, 4 conventions in various forms of its evolution, and 2 trophies later… Here we are.

I’ll start by answering a few of the common questions:

I’d love to build the whole thing someday. Of course, but it won’t be anytime soon unless someone pays me.

Flex tube, lots of it. The curved ribbed segments that aren’t hoses are all stacked dishes, threaded over flex tubing. (if anyone has an extra 40L black flex tube they want to give me, I promise it’ll go into making a full-size ALIEN eventually!)

The skull was the hardest part. Getting it to fit inside the canopy was a trial of invention and determination, ‘if one note is off…’ Of course, the retractable jaw was difficult, too. It functioned slightly better originally, but needed tweaks for accuracy, scale, and ease of operation. It moves on one of the old space-police lockup rails hidden inside the mouth.

The final piece that allowed me to sculpt the back of the head and the ribs was the balloon part in black, utterly perfect for this build.”

The piece was so impressive that it even graced the front window display of Dark Horse Comics! Check out photos and video of the piece below.



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