Dying Light Gets New FREE DLC

In a world of loot crates and cash grabs, it’s amazing to see a video game developer support its game the way that Techland has supported Dying Light. Here we are, years after its release, and they’re still going! Read on for the latest!
From the Press Release:
Following the undying enthusiasm and engagement of millions of fans who continue to play Dying Light, we have decided to launch the “10-IN-12” program for our beloved zombie game. In the next twelve months we will deliver ten free DLCs featuring brand-new locations, mechanics, weapons, enemies, and story-driven quests alongside gameplay improvements, balance tweaks, and exclusive content for our most dedicated fans.
Techland’s continuous support means that we are still open to our fans’ suggestions on how we can improve their experience with Dying Light. We encourage every one of you to share your thoughts, ideas, and stories.
The first bit of DLC is available NOW for PC with an Xbox One and PS4 release to follow.
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