Jaws Getting Set to Take a Bite out of Blu-ray

Ain’t it Cool
Here it is, folks. The news that will be having our very own Buz Wallick masturbating until the product is in his hands … word has come directly from Steven Spielberg regarding one of his classics hitting Blu-ray high definition.
During an interview with AICN, Spielberg dropped the following news on chum-hungry fans …
“There’s going to be no more digital enhancements or digital additions to anything based on any film I direct,” said Spielberg in regard to what kind of transfer we can expect from the Blu-ray. “I’m not going to do any corrections digitally to even wires that show… At this point right now I think letting movies exist in the era, with all the flaws and all of the flourishes, is a wonderful way to mark time and mark history.”
Amen to that. Look for the flick in stores sometime in the near future. In the interim send all of your lube to Buz here.

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