The Puppet Monster Massacre Splatters Stuffing onto DVD

Been jonesing for a new splatter-filled puppet flick ever since Meet the Feebles? Filmmaker Dustin Mills may have the fix you’ve been waiting for. The Puppet Monster Massacre will begin spilling felt all over DVD shelves this July.
“A group of teens are challenged to spend a night in the Wagner mansion on the edge of town. Little do they know the owner (Dr. Wolfgang Wagner) has concocted a monstrosity in the basement and plans to make the hapless teens the creature’s first big meal. This is The Puppet Monster Massacre, a wild and raucous love letter to the monster films of the glorious 1980’s! Heads will roll and felt will fly in this visually rich splatter-fest. Thrill as an army of over 400 soldiers is helpless against a monstrous menace. Chill as a man collapses from the aroma of a thousand bunny farts. Shriek as puppets make sweet monkey love in a spooky graveyard. This is the low budget film you have been waiting for!”
Music Video Distributors will unfurl The Puppet Monster Massacre onto DVD July 26th. Get a taste of the hand-operated horror to come in the preview video below.
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