Winner Revealed in My Annabelle Creation Video Contest; David Sandberg Responds to Criticisms

Remember back in the first week of July when we posted a story about a contest where you could meet David F. Sandberg, director of Lights Out and Annabelle: Creation, as well as a New Line executive? Well, the winner for that contest has been chosen and their video can be seen below!
Titled The Nurse, it was directed by Julian Terry in less than four days. In it, a young girl is a patient in a hospital who encounters a malevolent being that comes at her when she’s in her most vulnerable state. It’s a very well done short and it clearly has potential to become something much bigger and in-depth. But the purpose of this contest was to find a short that could be cultivated, much like how Sandberg got recognized for his original Lights Out short.
It should be noted that this contest has a bit of controversy surrounding it at the moment. Red Letter Media has criticized the contest (starting at the 14-minute mark) and the prizes that were to be awarded, suggesting that the winner would receive only $100 for beating the competition. Responding to this, Sandberg took to Twitter to say, “Yes I saw the @redlettermedia review of [Annabelle: Creation]. Still love them. Regarding the contest I didn’t see the rules beforehand and once I saw them I didn’t read them as bad. I read them as $50 being just for an option, not the rights. I’ll ask Warner to clarify.
This was never about stealing ideas from poor filmmakers, it was about finding interesting filmmakers and having a fun contest to inspire.”
Hopefully no ill intentions were done on the part of New Line and Julian will get the chance to meet with Sandberg and New Line. Whether or not The Nurse will become its own feature has yet to be seen but I think we can all applaud Julian for creating something really special!