11 11 11 Update: Darren Bousman on Shooting in a Haunted House

If you’ve been following the frequent blogs of director Darren Bousman concerning his latest film, 11 11 11, then you’re aware of two things … 1 – the movie looks really badass and 2 – the filming of it was in and of itself … shall we say … quite the experience.
Bousman filled in a few new haunting details on his 11 11 11 Blog:
“This house was about 40 minutes outside of Barcelona, in a small village that sat mere inches from the Mediterranean Sea… The location itself was beautiful… Hell, the HOUSE itself was beautiful…
But the moment you drove up to its rusted gates… There was something…. ELSE…
When we left the house after our second walk-through – I found the landlord standing on the beach smoking a cigarette… He was an intense man… Didn’t smile a lot… In fact – he didn’t smile at all. I think this is what concerned me the most. Even the most straight faced, and serious of people smile… But not him. He seemed worried that we were here… His being worried – worried me.
That afternoon – the landlord directed us to a local restaurant. We all walked, and he joined us. While at lunch, I asked if someone would ask the Landlord the history of the house… (I don’t speak Spanish – so all of this was being done through translators).
I will never forget his response…
With cold, almost hollow eyes he looked directly at me and said something in Spanish. It was translated back to me. “Are you sure you really want to know?”
How could I not?! I mean… come on… I nodded…
For the next ten minutes – the man talked. Never once smiling… never once breaking eye contact with me. Part of me felt it was a warning… Part of me thought it was all a prank – scare the American…
The following weeks would prove his story to be anything but a joke.
As his story was translated back to me – I felt myself becoming increasingly more and more uncomfortable.
The Landlord’s tale started back in the early 1900′s. A Spanish Marquis purchased the house for himself, his young daughter, and his brother to move into. In 1917 the neighbors had noticed that the Marquis’ daughter was never around. They inquired, and he would tell them that she was with her mother on vacation.
However as the year passed, the neighbors became increasingly more concerned as the daughter never returned. Soon thereafter it was discovered that the daughter WAS NOT at the Mother’s – and the Mother had gone to the police, fearing something had happened after she had stopped hearing from her.
An investigation was launched in early 1918. Later that year, the Marquis’ brother came forward and admitted to killing the girl ‘accidentally.’ The Marquis, fearing for his political career – and in order to protect his brother – helped cover up the death of the girl.
Both men were arrested…
By 1920 – the house was empty – and became a local legend within the community that the brother was into the Occult, and the daughter did not ‘accidentally’ die – but instead was sacrificed.
Now… How much of that above story is true?
Maybe none of it…
However one thing that was clear – the Landlord believed the story.
Hit up that link for more!
After the tragic death of his wife and child, famed American author Joseph Crone travels from the United States to Barcelona, Spain, to reunite with his estranged brother, Samuel, and dying father, Richard. However, fate has a different plan for Joseph as his life becomes plagued with strange happenings and the constant sightings of the number 11. Curiosity quickly turns to obsession, and Joseph soon realizes that this number holds a horrific meaning not only to himself but possibly to all of religion. Isolated in a foreign country with only the support of his companion, Sadie, Joseph soon realizes that 11/11/11 is more than just a date; it’s a WARNING!
Timothy Gibbs (Witchboard 2), Michael Landes (Final Destination 2, Possession), Wendy Glenn (“Nip/Tuck”), Lluis Soler, Ángela Rosal, Brendan Price (Dagon), Salomé Jimenez, Benjamin Cook, and Montse Alcoverro star.
Make sure you’re following Darren Lynn Bousman on Facebook and Twitter to stay up on the latest, and also visit 11-11-11themovie.com for more!
11 11 11 – Teaser Trailer
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