1313: Giant Killer Bees Is Not Your Father’s Food of the Gods

I was kind of intrigued when I heard a while back that b-movie staple David DeCoteau was remaking H.G. Wells’ Food of the Gods. Somewhere along the way the title got changed to 1313: Giant Killer Bees, and his remake sure does feature a lot more half-naked hunks than that found in both Wells’ novel and the 1976 movie version.
DeCoteau has carved out his own niche market in recent years with a slew of low-budget homoerotic horror flicks, of which I am fairly certain this H.G. Wells’ inspired nature gone amok flick is the latest despite a tagline on the artwork proclaiming the film to be “A science fiction chiller for girls”. Who are the distributors trying to kid? I showed the trailer you’ll find below to a female coworker who is big into horror, and we barely got 15 seconds into it before she declared, “They’re gay!”
Food of the Gods? More like Fruit of the Looms. Put on some pants, fellas!
As chaos and death swirl all around him, Professor Bensington laments his role in the end of the world and reveals to us what caused the horror: His research assistant, a young college student named Redwood, traveled to San Marino to oversee Bensington’s honeybee experiments. While following the professor’s orders, Redwood inadvertently unleashed a global biological disaster in the form of giant zombie killer bees!
1313: Giant Killer Bees stars newcomers Derek North, Jillian Nelson, Darren Thomas, Alberto Frezza, Carey James, Tanner Novlan, Raine Wright and Jarrid Balis.
The movie is currently available on VOD in select cable markets (check your local listings) and will sting DVD shelves on August 1st.
DeCoteau has been quite the busy bee of late as he told Fangoria of four more productions on the way, including two Edgar Allan Poe inspired thrillers (The Haunted Palace – during spring break, a fraternity built atop the burned ruins of an insane asylum is haunted by a sinister visitor, A Dream Within a Dream (AKA Son of a Witch) – a demonic young man lures his high-school classmates to a party so that he can sacrifice their souls and bring his dead mother, killed during the Salem witch trials 300 years ago, back to life), a supernatural martial arts movie shot in the Philippines (Body Blow – a champion fighter flies to Manila to find out what happened to his friend who disappeared after going to Manila on a lucrative modeling contract and is aided by a local young cabbie and an Interpol agent as he takes on a bizarre female crime boss trying to achieve goddess status), and a vampire thriller called Nightfall that stars Dominique Swain.
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