Robert Englund Pays Tribute to the Late Wes Craven – Post Mortem Exclusive

We’re back with another exclusive preview of what’s to come on Mick Garris’ Post Mortem on Podcast One. This week’s guest is none other than Freddy Krueger himself, Robert Englund, and he pays tribute to the Master, Wes Craven.
This Wednesday, August 30th, not only marks the 15th episode of Post Mortem with Mick Garris on Podcast One, but the episode will be released on the second anniversary of legendary director Wes Craven’s death.
In honor of this innovative Master of Horror, they’re airing a very special Wes Craven tribute featuring a classic interview Mick did with Wes from the original 2010 Post Mortem television run, PLUS an exclusive NEW conversation with the man who brought Wes’ most iconic creation to life, Freddy Kreuger himself, Robert Englund!
Check out the audio clip below courtesy of Mick Garris’ Post Mortem on Podcast One, and make sure you subscribe to the podcast via iTunes.
The full episode will be available this Wednesday, August 30th, on iTunes and Podcast One; and as always, we advise you to listen to the show itself in its entirety when you have the chance.
Thanks as always to Joe Russo.