Jeepers Creepers 3 Screening Cancelled: Nathan Winters Releases Official Statement

A week ago we posted news that Jeepers Creepers 3 was nearly done with post-production work and that there would be a special double screening of that film with the 2001 original. We can now report that the event has officially been cancelled and tickets are being refunded.
A message sent from Fandango reads (courtesy of HorrorFreakNews):
We would like to inform you that due to events beyond our control, the screening event hosted by @Moviedude18 for “Jeepers Creepers and Jeepers Creepers 3” on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 will no longer take place at the TCL Chinese 6 Theatres. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause your party. We have worked with Fandango to refund your purchase directly. You should see the refund in your account within the next few days. We would like to offer you free passes. You may redeem them at the box office upon your next visit by showing this email or we can mail them to you if you provide us with your mailing address. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.
Additionally, Nathan Winters, Salva’s victim during the filming of Clownhouse, has released a statement regarding the cancellation of the event.
The official statement reads:
We would like to first express our sincerest gratitude for the outpouring of love and support we have received these past few weeks. It is beyond words. Thank you all. Due to the nature of the controversy which led to the cancellation of the premiere of Jeepers Creepers 3, we would like to make it known that we had no part in the events which took place. While we are humbled, it should be made clear that we believe that it is the viewer’s choice whether to watch a Victor Salva film. We want Jeepers Creepers fans to know that we understand their frustration. Our purpose in this isn’t to stop Victor from working, only to let the truth be brought to light. No one is out for vengeance. We look forward to sharing the truth with you through our documentary The Babysitter, which will be out in 2019. -Nathan, the Winters family, Amber Halstein, and director Connar Frazier.
While we were told by inside sources directly related to the film that no distribution model was set up, it seems that the film has set a one-night release event on September 26th through Fathom Events.
Dread Central both acknowledges and condemns the past crimes committed by Victor Salva. However, we are a news website dedicated to bringing you the headlines, and we cannot and will not let our personal beliefs influence how we bring you news. Instead, we leave it for you to decide whom or what you should or shouldn’t support. For those of you who want to further rally against Salva, there’s a petition here to boycott his upcoming film.
Additionally, Nathan Forrest Winters, one of Salva’s victims, is raising money for a documentary wherein he will “…raise awareness, educate, and provide information and tools to stop sexual child abuse at all levels.” To help him with his cause, click here.